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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: There Is a God…)


    Spencer was lying on her bed gazing up at the ceiling thinking about everything that had been going on. From the moment she had decided to sleep with Lily up until she had shown Ashley her choice of lingerie, it had all been one largely constructed plan. While she did have every intention of losing her virginity to Lily if things did not pan out the way she wanted, she had included Ashley for a very specific reason: to get her to notice her as more than just a friend. To her it seemed as though the brunette really did want her, but she wouldn’t come out and say it, and she didn’t want to put herself on the line and risk her pride by saying it. So she had done everything to get her friend riled up and interested. But having Ashley physically attracted to her wasn’t the only thing she was going after. She loved the brunette so much, that if they were to sleep together and nothing was to come of it, she wasn’t sure if she could handle it. So she had chosen Lily. Hot, charming, sensual, and no emotion necessary. If she couldn’t be with Ashley, she knew she couldn’t manage to convince another girl that she was interested in dating her and then eventually sleep with them. She didn’t have to worry about that with Lily. They both knew that there wouldn’t be a relationship afterwards.

    The blonde sighed in frustration. She had hoped that the lingerie bit would’ve gotten Ashley to say something…anything! Or to even allow her one more taste of those deliciously soft lips. But nope…nothing! The older girl had simply squeaked out her approval of the lingerie, and made a comment that it was late and she should get Spencer home before her mom became worried. Maybe Ashley really didn’t feel attracted to her, and the kiss had just been a one-sided feeling. Maybe she really was just jealous in a platonic sort of way. Spencer really wished she knew what the other girl was thinking. She was suddenly brought out of her thoughts by her cell. She reached over to the nightstand and checked her caller ID. Lily.


    1. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

    2. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

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