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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: There Is a God…)


    “Hey Carlin,” Carlin…just more proof that there weren’t any special emotions attached.

    “Hey. What’s up?”

    “Just seeing if you’d be interested in coming over and…relaxing.” Relaxing? What did that mean? Were they… “Just hanging out for a little bit, nothing to get worked up over, Carlin,” she replied after the moment of silence. Spencer was glad she was on the phone so the other girl couldn’t see her blush.

    “Yeah, sure, all right. Sounds pretty good.”

    “Great! I’ll be there in about a half hour!” With that Lily hung up the phone, and Spencer slowly got out of bed to find something to wear. She decided to go for a more casual and comfortable look. They were just relaxing right? She put on beige slacks and a baby blue Roxy spaghetti strap. She slipped on some flip flops and waited for the older girl to arrive. Unfortunately all she could think about was a beautiful brunette, and wasn’t sure if she was actually looking forward to spending time with Lily.


    Ashley and Rachel had just begun their make out session, and when Rachel had first captured the brunette’s lips, she was surprised to find that she felt…absolutely nothing. She thought that maybe it was just a fluke seeing as how she knew the girl was a good kisser. So, she ran her tongue across her bottom lip, and when the green-eyed girl allowed her entrance, she took the chance to deepen the kiss. Still…nothing! She couldn’t figure it out until the image of an angelic blonde flashed through her mind. She opened her eyes and quickly shoved Rachel away, probably a lot harder than she had meant to. Confused green eyes met startled brown ones.



    1. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

    2. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

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