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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: There Is a God…)

    “Glad you like them,” Lily replied huskily. After finishing a few more, the older girl watching in fascination, she decided it would be a good time to take the blonde back home. She offered her hand to Spencer. “C’mon, let’s get you home.” The younger girl pouted.

    “No! I don’t wanna go! Can’t I just stay here?” She replied trying her best to be sexy.

    “Hmm, as tempting as that sounds, I’m pretty sure your parents would kill me. Besides, I’m not about to take advantage of you like this.”

    “Are we ever going to have sex?” she asked bluntly. Lily allowed a chuckle to escape.

    “Yes, Carlin, of course. That’s what you want right?” The blue eyed girl nodded and grinned. “All right now, gimmie your hand, I’ll help you to the car.” Spencer crossed her arms.

    “I can walk on my own, thank you!” Lily threw up her hands in mock-defeat.

    “Go for it.” She stood up, walked two steps and fell down. She looked at her legs as though they were foreign objects.

    “Huh…how did that happen?” She let out a laugh, and for the third time that night, Lily laughed along.

    “Will you let me help you now?” she asked. Spencer nodded her head and took the offered hand. They made it into Lily’s car, and back to Spencer’s. As quietly as they could, Lily got the younger girl back into bed.

    “Thanks for tonight, it was fun.” Spencer said drowsily, her eyes fluttering closed. Lily simply pulled the blanket up around her and kissed her forehead, surprising herself at the action.

    “Good night Spencer.” The younger girl smiled, then rolled to her side and started to lightly snore. Lily watched her for a few moments and then quietly left, unsure of what was so different about Spencer Carlin, and why she was caring so much.


    1. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

    2. I sat down this morning to read this fanfic and found it quite intriguing and sexy…but unfortuanately you haven’t posted since April and I would really like to finish this story…it’s Awesome…PLEASE, I beg of you PMS…

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