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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: This is Why I’m Hot)


                “Yes, how very magnanimous of you.”


                “I know…I know. Bye Spence.”


                “Bye.” With that the brunette reluctantly rolled out of bed and started to rummage through her closet searching for an outfit. She threw on low rise jeans, a shirt which barely covered her torso, and grabbed a few choice outfits for her best friend. She also grabbed some of her makeup as well as her flat iron and hair curler. She made it to the blonde’s house in a half hour. Before she could even call the younger girl to let her know that she had arrived, the front door flew open, and a very exasperated Spencer pulled her in.


                “Took you long enough!” she huffed out impatiently.


                “You called me all of 30 minutes ago! Really! I think on such short notice, I got here pretty damn fast!” The blonde rolled her eyes and made her way up to her room, her friend trailing behind. Once they got into Spencer’s room, Ashley heaved all her things onto her bed and started to arrange the different outfits she had picked out.


                “Wow, Ash…shirts that cover the stomach? I didn’t know you owned such clothes!”


                “Shhh! One must always be prepared. Now…look at these outfits and tell me which one you like the best. I figured we’d go for the ‘I’m a lady in the streets, but a freak in the sheets’ look. You know…innocent yet sexy. I don’t think you should go for the obvious, ‘Hi…here are my boobs and ass, let’s go fuck’ look…so I chose these outfits.” The blonde raised her eyebrow in amusement as the other girl rambled on. “So anyways, yeah…choose what to wear.”


                “Well what do you think?” Ashley looked at the girl before her and then back to the bed.


                “You shaved your legs, right?”


                “No, Ash…I was totally planning on seducing Lily with the whole European look. Of course I shaved my legs! Geez!”


                “All right! All right! Calm down! It’s not like you’re planning on scoring today. You could’ve opted not to shave and wear jeans or something. I don’t know. I was just asking!” She looked back at the bed and picked up a white skirt, held it up to the blonde’s waist and nodded her head in approval. The skirt fell mid-thigh and wasn’t too revealing, but hot enough. She then searched through the shirts she had collected. She opted for a turquoise blue shirt that showed a little cleavage, but not an insane amount. She’d be damned if she was going to let Spencer show off too much. She motioned for the blonde to change, and started to set up her make up. When Spencer emerged, Ashley was momentarily distracted as the outfit showed off every one of her assets. She shook her head to clear her mind of the images floating through her mind. Spencer was her best friend, and just because she was showing off a bit more than usual was no reason for her to start seeing her as some hot piece of ass. The blonde looked at her with questioning eyes.

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    1. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    2. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    3. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

    4. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

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