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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: This is Why I’m Hot)


                “Why are you shaking your head? Is this a bad outfit?” she asked hesitantly. She now looked down at her outfit trying to assess what could be wrong with it.


                “What? Oh…no, the outfit looks great on you!” Ashley reassured her quickly. “I’m just a bit tired is all. Trying to keep myself awake.” The blonde looked at her bashfully.


                “Sorry for waking you up so early. I should’ve at least talked to you about it earlier. I just didn’t realize until last night that I don’t really have any clothes that would stand out and have Lily notice me. So I really appreciate this.”


                “Hey, no worries. What are best friends for?” Despite sounding confident and unfazed by Spencer’s plan, she was still hesitant about the whole thing. She didn’t want her best friend to end up emotionally hurt by Lily. But she also knew that she couldn’t dissuade the blonde. Once the girl made up her mind about anything, that was it, and as stubborn as Ashley could be, she knew that Spencer could be equally as stubborn, and would never back down. She motioned for the blonde to sit down, and then placed a towel over the blonde’s clothes so that any accidents would not appear on her outfit. Ashley went about applying subtle amounts of make-up. She stuck with natural tones and just highlighted the blonde’s perfect features. Spencer was a natural beauty and really didn’t need anything done, but she wanted certain features to really show.


                Once her make-up was applied, all that the brunette had to do was to work on the younger girl’s hair. They both decided that curls would probably look best, and 15 minutes later, and with 20 to spare, Spencer was looking…hot.


                “Spence…as much as I love you, please tell me that this isn’t a daily routine…” The blonde looked at her companion who was struggling to keep her eyes open.


                “Maybe just for a few days? Or could you show me what you did?” she asked shyly. The brunette smiled softly.


                “Of course. C’mon…let’s head off to school. I want to see everyone’s reaction to my wonderful work!” Spencer rolled her eyes but followed Ashley down to her car.

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    1. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    2. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    3. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

    4. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

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