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    Something Worth Knowing – (Chapter: This is Why I’m Hot)


                “You okay to drive? I don’t want you falling asleep at the wheel,” she said sounding concerned. The brunette simply waved her off. They hopped into Ashley’s car and made their way to school.



                People were definitely noticing Spencer’s change. Guys were checking her out with interest and girls were starting to take notice of the new competition. Both girls were beaming at the attention the blonde was receiving. “Damn I’m good!” the brunette exclaimed happily.


                “Okay, I think it helps that I’m also just oh so hot,” Spencer interjected.


                “Oh yeah, that too.” The blonde rolled her eyes, but was grinning. It was weird having everyone looking at her…and not just because she was the new girl or because she was hanging out with Ashley. People were actually checking her out!


                “I can’t believe how many people are staring. I didn’t think it’d make that much of a difference!” The brunette grinned at her friend’s amazement.


                “Spence, you’ve always been hot, you just had to know how to work it. Seriously…you could have just about anyone in this school.”


                “And yet, only one matters,” the blonde replied as she spotted her target. Ashley followed her gaze and frowned.


                “I still don’t know why it has to be her.”


                “She’s experienced.”


                “Doesn’t mean she’s good.”


                “I guess I’ll be finding out. Do I look good?” Spencer asked suddenly feeling wary.


                “Do you have to ask?” the older girl replied dryly. “Isn’t she supposed to be seducing you?”


                “Oh…she will be! I just have to make sure she wants to seduce me.” The brunette visibly blanched.


                “Okay, I so do not need to think about my best friend being seduced by my nemesis. TMI….TMI.” With that the two headed off to their homeroom, which coincidently meant passing Lily. The blonde offered the girl a small smile, a move which didn’t go unnoticed.



                Spencer Carlin looked good. No, Spencer Carlin looked hot, and the change wasn’t missed by Lily Jamison. She had light blonde hair, stormy grey eyes, fair skin, a great bone structure, and a body to die for. She was great at charming the ladies, and had a close group of friends. She slept around, and loathed Ashley. Which is why she was surprised when the youngest Carlin looked at her, let alone smiled at her. She could be wrong, but she could’ve sworn the other girl was interested. She’d always assumed Spencer was straight, even though she did seem ridiculously close to Ashley. Yes, being with the other blonde would definitely be a blow to the brunette’s ego. It didn’t hurt that the youngest Carlin had a banging body, and had that whole, “sweet and innocent Midwestern girl” thing going on. However, she was 95% sure Spencer was a virgin, and even she had standards. She couldn’t just go about having a one night stand with the girl. She’d have to court her before she could screw her. She was up for the challenge, and was anticipating some alone time with the blonde.

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    1. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    2. No Lily…Lily is bad. I think Ashley needs to give Spencer some one-on-one instruction so all that quality time will help Spencer see that she needs to fall for Ashley. Keep up the great updates.

    3. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

    4. oh boy. thats just going to start trouble. and its totally not what spencer wanted either. she just wants to get it over with… oy. poor ash. she should just tell spencer how she feels already!!! great post. PMS!!

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