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    Soundtrack of Life – (Chapter: Perfect World)

    She had her head down and when she did finally look up she was crying. It broke my heart to see her like that. I felt so bad for saying what I did.

    Ash I’m sorry.”

    No Ky, you’re right. You’re right. I’m such a horrible person. I don’t deserve to have you as a sister. I’ve been nothing but horrible to you since you got here…and once we finally were getting to a good place I went and screwed it up. Just like I do everything else good in my life. No wonder I’ve lost everyone that cared about me.”

    You haven’t lost everyone that cared about you Ashley. You still have Aiden.”

    Uh no…not exactly.”

    What are you talking about? Of course you do. He’s your boyfriend.”

    Not anymore… I ended it.”

    Hmm, can you say ecstatic much?

    What? Why?”

    Because I realized I was with him for all the wrong reasons. I got back with him because I thought I loved him…and I do. Just…not like that. When he got shot I panicked. I thought I was going to lose him. When I saw him in that hospital bed I felt something in my heart. I thought it was love but…”

    But what?”

    But it wasn’t. It was guilt. I mistook guilt for love and that’s why I got back with him. Because I felt guilty. God I’m so stupid…”

    Oh Ash. Well, at least you made it right by breaking it off with him and telling him.”


    You did tell him why you broke it off right?”

    Not exactly…”


    I know! I know! I called him and just said it was over. I didn’t wanna get into it to make him feel worse than he probably already does ya know?”

    Ok…I get that. At least you didn’t text message break up with him. He would’ve felt like K-Fed.”

    She chuckled a little and gave a tiny smile.

    Why are you being so nice to me Ky? You should be totally pissed at me and never wanna talk to me again.”

    I tried doing that…trust me. I really did. But, in the end, the fact that you’re my sister and I love you, and I’m stuck with you for life won out over my anger. Besides, it wasn’t exactly your fault.”

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