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    Soundtrack of Life – (Chapter: Perfect World)

    You’re pretty amazing you know that?”

    Yeah, I know. But it’s always nice to hear!”

    Psht, not a bit modest either.”

    Well, I am a Davies right?”

    True that little sister.”

    So…you know that you’re gonna have to talk to Aiden eventually right? You’re gonna have to give him the real reason why you broke it off.”

    Yeah…I know. I just don’t wanna hurt him anymore than I already have. But I have to…and it sucks.”

    We spent a half an hour talking about what had been going on in my life over the past month. It was really nice talking to her again. I missed her. A lot. Then the conversation took a turn I really wasn’t expecting…



    Do you love him?”

    Love who?”



    It’s ok. You don’t have to tell me.”

    No…it’s just…do you still love Spencer?”

    With all my heart. I’ve come to regret every single day that I haven’t been with her. God I’m so stupid.”

    No you’re…well ok yeah. You are.”

    Gee, thanks.”

    Sorry, but it’s true. But what are you going to do?”

    I’m going to try and get her back. I’ll spend every day of my life trying to get her back. She’s my one true love. How am I so sure? Because there’s no one else in this world like her. Guaranteed.”

    Well, if you need help. I’m here for you.”

    Thanks Ky!”

    Not a problem. It’s just really hard to see her how she is…she looks terrible. It’s scary. She’s not the same person. I miss the old Spencer. I tried to talk to her, but she won’t say anything. The only people she’ll talk to are Glen, Clay, and Chelsea.”

    I know…but I’m gonna get her back. I’m not giving up. Ever. Now before it slips my mind again, answer my question.”

    Uh what question?”

    Yeah, like trying to play stupid would work with Ashley.

    You know what question.”

    Ugh…yes. I do.”

    I knew it.”

    If you knew then why’d you ask?”

    Cause I needed to hear you say it. Do you want to get back together with him?”


    Well we’re gonna get you back together then. I know he still has feelings for you. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do. I’ve learned to read this kid like a Cosmo. But for now, I need to focus on how I’m going to get Spencer back. I’ll talk to you later Ky…I love you.”

    I love you too Ash.”

    She got up and gave me a hug and went back to her room.

    Well, it’s certainly nice to know that I have her back. I’m not so sure she’s right about Aiden though.

    In a perfect world indeed…

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