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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 10)

    “Only for you Ash … only for you…”

    For the next few hours, Ashley and Spencer could not get enough of each other. Early this morning it was about love making and taking things slow, but now it was about an urgent want and desire. It was difficult for the two of them to get out of bed. It was difficult for them to get dressed without getting undressed again for more. Their morning had been a redefining moment for each other, their relationship, their lives. They were inseparable.

    Spencer jumped when she heard the door knob of her bedroom twist and shake.

    “Why is this door locked? Spencer, open up!”

    “Oh my god, it’s my mom.” Both girls hurried to get fully dressed.

    Ashley was fidgeting not exactly sure where to be when Spencer opened the door. On the bed? In the chair? At the desk? Under the bed… On the floor? She knew that Spencer’s mother would not be happy to see her in the room at all. She sat on the floor and leaned back against the bed picking up a magazine thumbing through it.

    Spencer was watching Ashley pace back and forth trying to figure out where to sit. She chuckled at her trying to best present herself.

    “Spencer! Open the door!”, Paula screamed.

    Spencer opening the door, “What mom! Why are you yelling?”

    Paula pushed passed her, “What’s going on in here? Why did you take so long to get here? What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in school? Ashley, is that your car in the driveway? What are doing here, Ashley? Spencer, why are you two in here with the door locked?

    “Mom, I didn’t know the door was locked.”

    Ashley put her head down as the blonde lied.

    “Spencer you look different. Your face is flushed.“ Paula paused for a moment scanning her daughter, “Spencer, Why is your shirt on backwards?”

    Spencer looked down at her shirt realizing that getting dressed in a hurry may not be her forte. “Umm…umm…ooh…I’m so silly I didn’t even realize it”, Spencer said while twisting her shirt around.

    Paula glanced at Ashley and Spencer, both girls were now blushing, “Okay, I am not stupid. Have you two been having sex in here?”

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