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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 10)

    Spencer’s jaw dropped at her mother’s question. “What?…What?”

    “You two have been having sex! Look at your bed, Spencer, that‘s the after-sex bed sheet look!”

    Spencer looking with amazement that her mother recognized the after-sex sheet formations. She wondered how often her mother had actually seen them for herself.

    “Ashley, get out!”, Paula shouted.

    “Mom, no..look Ashley is my girlfriend and she’s going to be over here a lot”. Ashley smiled at ‘girlfriend’. She hadn’t even asked her yet, but the fact that Spencer already put herself there made her heart skip a beat.

    “Girlfriend?”, Paula questioned. “Oh no…not in my house…don’t think that because your father was okay with this in the beginning that we all are. Ashley, did you not hear me? Please leave.”

    Ashley stood up. Spencer stood in front of her, “Mom, if she’s leaving, I’m leaving with her. I have a test 6th period and I’m going with her to school.”

    “You will be doing no such thing young lady!”, Paula exclaimed.

    “But Mom…”

    Spencer felt Ashley’s hand on the small of her back. She wanted nothing more than to turn around and hug her so that they could go back to the peace they had a few minutes ago.

    “It’s okay Spencer, I should go.”, the brunette humbly said.

    Paula folded her arms, “Yes you should go”

    Spencer turned around to face Ashley so that her mom couldn‘t make out what she was saying, “No, Ashley, please stay.”

    “No, I shouldn’t. I don’t want to get you in anymore trouble than you already are.”

    Both girls looked at each other intently. Although their moment was now officially over thanks to Paula, it was still a special one that needed closure. Neither wanted to leave without sealing their love with a kiss or a hint of affection, especially after this morning. Spencer mouthed silently, “Kiss me”. Her boldness had arrived again for another visit and secretly drove Ashley crazy.

    Paula stood waiting and starting to get impatient, “Let’s get a move on. I don’t have all day!”

    Ashley mouthed back to Spencer, “I can’t…your mom”

    “C’mon Ashley out!”, Paula pressured.

    Ashley walked around Spencer towards the door letting her fingers trail around her waist as she left. As she was about to pass Paula, her arm was jerked back.

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