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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 10)

    “Not without saying goodbye”, Spencer pulled Ashley into an urgent kiss as her mother stood dumbfounded, not believing her eyes.

    Spencer knew this may be the last time in a while that she got to be alone with Ashley. Something inside of her had to touch her once again. The kiss deepened right in front of Paula who was in too much shock to make a coherent sentence as of yet. Their hands were everywhere as if Paula wasn’t even in the room, both lost. So lost in their kiss.

    Finally, Paula’s senses came back to reality, “What the… Spencer stop this right now” Paula grabbed each girls’ shoulder pulling them apart. “Spencer what has gotten into you? You just blatantly disrespect me like that! Have you lost your mind, Spencer?!”

    Ashley squeezed Spencer’s hand to say good-bye and mouthed “Call me” as she left her room. Spencer slightly nodded for Ashley to see.

    Paula repeated, “Spencer, Have you lost your mind?”

    “Yes, I have lost my mind, mom. I’m lost in love with Ashley.”

    “That’s it!” Paula threw her hands up “That’s it! That’s it!”

    Spencer looked a little nervous at her mother’s rage. Perhaps she took things to far this time. Kissing Ashley in front of her like that. That passionately.

    Paula rushed downstairs to the kitchen. Spencer followed her out of sheer curiosity and fear. At finding her purse on the kitchen counter, Paula scrambled through her wallet and pulled out a business card. Dialing the number and staring straight at Spencer, “Good morning, yes… I am calling to confirm the enrollment for Spencer Carlin.”

    Paula went on with various “Um Hmm”, “Yes, that’s correct, for next week.” as she spoke to the person on the other end. After a minute of this, Paula finally hung up with Spencer still standing in disbelief.

    “Mom, what’s going on? Enrollment? Enrollment into what?”

    “You think that you can just do anything you want. You think that you can just have sex in my house with that girl. And then have the nerve to kiss her in front of me like that. How about let’s see how you are when you go live with your grandmother and never see Ashley again?”

    “Mom, that’s back in Ohio! What!” , Spencer shouted. “Dad won’t let this happen!”

    “Oh really. You think? … I’ve already spoken with your father this afternoon. He thought that maybe you and this Ashley were spending too much time together.”

    Spencer‘s emotions were ready to explode, “No.. no he didn’t say that…he wouldn’t say that!”

    “Well, you just wait until he gets home and see young lady”, Paula said almost tauntingly.


    “How could you do this to me, mom? Don’t you love me? Don’t you want me around you?


    Her mom was silent.


    “Why can’t you just understand that I love her? I didn’t choose to love her. I just do!” Spencer stormed upstairs to her room crying.

    It was unfathomable in her mind that her father wanted her to leave or that he even thought that she and Ashley were too close. He had been her only source of comfort in her family through all of this. She knew that her mother didn’t understand, but it crushed her to hear that her father had a change of heart. Why did he want her and Ashley apart? She wondered what had happened since this morning when he let Ashley in to talk to her.





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