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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 14)

    “But dad…the skating rink?…. It’s cheesy.. I haven’t been there since I was in junior high. I don‘t know that Ashley will go for it. Besides I think that she has a gig tonight.”

    “A gig?”, Arthur looked up from his stirring.

    “Oh yeah… remember when I told you I met Ashley at a concert. She was the drummer in the band. Dad she’s really good.”

    “Oh, I’m impressed,” he said smiling.

    “See you two need to just give her a chance,” Spencer noted.

    “All the more reason for you to invite her to skating”, Arthur explained. “Hand me the phone. I’ll even ask her myself.”

    Spencer sighed, picked up the phone, dialed her number, and handed it to her father. Oops what did I just do.

    Ashley answered recognizing the caller id, “Hello, Spencer baby, ready to give in to some more hot sex yet. You know I can‘t get enough of you.”

    Spencer noticed that her dad’s face was turning red before he began to speak, “Umm…Ashley… this is Spencer’s dad, Arthur…”

    Ashley’s mouth hung open as she beat herself up for saying too much, “Oh…umm.. I’m sorry…hi Mr. C…umm…” Completely at a loss for words, “ what’s up?”

    Arthur replied completely embarrassed, “Listen, here’s Spencer…”

    Spencer wondered what just happened and took the phone, “Ashley?”

    “Spencer, I think I just asked your dad for hot sex. I’m so sorry, baby. I thought it was you on the phone.”

    Spencer turned around so that her father didn’t see her blushing at the sound of Ashley’s voice, “Oh my god…”, she laughed. “That would explain his beet red face right now and why he didn’t ask you what he wanted to.”

    Ashley was now laughing at her mistake on the other end, “Okay…well let me ask you then since his answer was obviously no… Are you ready to give in to some more hot sex yet?” Ashley’s voice was so seductive, so drawing her.

    “Baby, you know I‘m always ready,” she whispered.

    “Always ready for what?”, Arthur chimed in picking up on her last few words knowing what she was likely being asked.

    “Nothing dad. Ready to hear her play tonight…” Spencer turned to reply, “ …and stop listening..” she laughed.

    “What’s going on?” Ashley whispered. Wait why am I whispering. “I miss you ….are you calling for me to come over and help you lose the bet?”


    1. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

    2. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

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