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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 14)

    “So does that mean you are going to be dropping me off and taking the truck back pretty soon”, Spencer inquired.

    “No baby…with you … I’ve got unlimited miles ”

    Spencer smiled the brunette’s sweetness always knowing the right thing to say, “So skating?”

    “Alright…it’s a date!…more like a double date,” the brunette gave in.

    Spencer let her father know of her recently confirmed plans. After dinner, she immediately went to her room to find something to wear. Hmmm something sexy, yet parent safe. She picked out a skirt, of course. For her, skirts had now become the symbol of her openness and letting Ashley know what she wanted. She picked a shirt that showed enough skin to bring out Ashley’s desire but make her parents think that she was trying to keep cool. She knew she wasn’t supposed to tease Ashley during the bet, but this setting was just too perfect for teasing. Her parents. Her Ashley. All together. She couldn’t pass up the chance to win.



    The trip to the skating arena was fairly quiet. Paula sat in the front passenger seat with her arms folded obviously displeased with having to participate in this little event. Ashley and Spencer were riding in the back. Ashley could not help but notice how hot Spencer looked tonight. She let her hand lay flat in the space between them on the seat. As Spencer turned to look at Ashley, her lips slightly parted feeling the invisible heat that was being passed to her. She lay her hand flat next to Ashley’s touching pinky to pinky.

    Spencer watched Ashley close her eyes at her touch. She so desperately wanted to just straddle her in the back seat the way she had done so many times before. Ashley slumped in her seat a bit more as if she was inviting her to do so. Spencer let her hand cover Ashley’s. At feeling the heat from the blonde’s hand, Ashley accidentally let out a sigh, a nearly sexual sigh.

    “Hey you guys alright back there”, Paula turned hearing the sigh and breaking their connection.

    Both girls jumped a bit and scrambled to put their hands in their laps grateful that it was dark and Paula couldn’t see what was beginning.


    1. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

    2. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

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