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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 14)

    “Still like me after this?” the blonde asked.

    “Spencer, I can’t help but like you.”

    “Oh yeah, why do you like me so much?”, Spencer asked.

    At that moment, the look on Ashley’s face brought fear into Spencer’s heart. Did she not have an answer? A sigh of relief brought Spencer back to her senses as she noticed that Ashley was not making a face at her question, but she was falling.

    A smile was planted across Spencer’s face at first laughing inside at her girlfriend’s antics until suddenly she too was falling and right on top of her. Both girls were laughing hysterically as they lay in the middle of floor unable to explain how in the world this happened. Ashley moved her arms naturally around Spencer’s waist. Still laughing Spencer felt her body being pulled into the brunette. Her landing had been perfect for the contact they were both wanting, yet trying to avoid. Ashley let out a moan that sent Spencer’s insides spiraling. Looking into the brunette’s eyes, it was as if the ring was empty. The kids around them must have thought that they were on the floor for an eternity. The extreme need to kiss was hovering over them begging for the just even the slightest touch. Did the bet include kissing or was it just sex? Neither girl could care at the moment. Spencer let her lips brush lightly over Ashley’s.

    “Hey! up off the floor!”

    Both girls were jolted out of their fantasies back into the reality that they were still on the skating floor and in the way. A skinny guy was standing next to them in a referee’s outfit blowing a loud whistle. How did they always manage to tune out the rest of the world when they were together? Spencer reluctantly stood up from Ashley and helped her on her feet.

    Arthur and Paula had looped around enough to see them getting up from their fall.

    “Oh look at you guys. Already? I thought you guys were skating geniuses like me,” Arthur teased as he skated to the curve and fell.

    Spencer and Ashley laughed and pointed at him as they passed by, “You go! you skating god you!”

    Overall, the night had been fun. All of them, even Paula, had been laughing most of the time. The silliness of skating actually helped to smooth things over.


    1. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

    2. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

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