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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 14)

    “Hey guys, I just need the restroom before we go,” Ashley said.

    “Me, too!” Spencer added.

    “Okay guys hurry up. We want to make Ashley’s gig on time. Give me your skates Spencer. I’ll turn them in,” Arthur motioned.

    As they walked towards the bathroom, Paula had a slight change of heart, “You know, Arthur, Ashley wasn’t that bad. She actually seems like a nice girl.”

    Arthur smiled, “See I told you this was a good idea.”

    Reaching the bathroom, Spencer surprised herself and grabbed Ashley pushing her against the wall, “I’ve been wanting to do this all night”. And with no more words, she kissed her. Ashley moaned as if to release her own tension that had been building. The kiss deepened as Spencer could feel Ashley pulling her into her body. She could feel the heat from her center growing. And then suddenly, Ashley broke the kiss.

    “Spencer…your parents. We have to…stop”

    “What…Miss Davies…you don’t think that you can control yourself…ready to give in to the bet already…”

    Ashley chuckled, “No…but your parents will send you packing to Ohio right away if they see us like this…”

    Spencer gave her a slow peck, “You’re right…let’s go..” The girls stepped away from each other. Ashley realizing that she hadn’t used the bathroom yet, decided to wait until she got to her gig at Gray so that Spencer’s parents wouldn’t be too suspicious at the time they had spent in the bathroom.

    At that moment, Paula peeked in the bathroom, “You guys okay in here. We were getting worried. We didn’t want you to be late to your gig, Ashley.”

    “Oh, we’re fine. Headed out now”, Spencer explained.


    Gray was again packed. Ashley’s groupies were swarming. Spencer’s parents had taken a seat at the table most away from all the commotion, but still with a good view of the stage. Spencer followed Ashley backstage to watch her set-up. One of Ashley’s band mates recognized Spencer from other shows and started talking with her.

    “Ashley, where’ve you been? I’ve missed you”

    Ashley turned to see Monica, one of her regulars.

    “I’ve been busy.”

    Monica stepped closer to Ashley, “You haven’t called or emailed me or anything. Don’t you miss me?”

    As if she was testing herself, Ashley waited to see if her body had the normal reaction that she usually had with her. But to her surprise…nothing. She really did only want Spencer.

    Spencer looked up from her conversation to see Monica step towards Ashley. She noticed that Ashley didn’t move back.

    Her heart sank.



    1. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

    2. I really loved this chapter. I miss the skating rank, too even though it’s filled with sweaty kid’s. I would’ve been disappointed in the girl if they did it in a dirty bathroom. They need to act like good girls for themselves and Spencer’s parents. Ashley really cares about Spencer because if she didn’t she would’ve jumped her in the bathroom. I’m glad they are showing self control.

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