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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 3)

    “I guess you’ve made a new reputation for yourself now, ” Sean chuckled.

    Spencer still a little enthralled by Ashley‘s comment, “What was it before?”

    “You didn’t have one girl. You just didn’t have one”, Sean laughed as he walked away. Spencer waved good-bye to Sean and suddenly her thoughts went to Ashley. I have to find her and make her forgive me. I never wanted to hurt her.

    At lunch time, Spencer committed to finding Ashley. She asked as many girls that would talk to her about the brunette. Finally, she got a break. One of the girls said to check the music room and that Ashley was always obsessed with drumming during her breaks. Spencer had no idea that King High even had a music room.


    Entering the music room, Spencer could hear drums being played loud and angrily, but the beat was mind blowing. Spencer couldn‘t help but smile again at Ashley‘s talent.  She wondered if the brunette was letting out her anger at her. The drums were set up on a stage type platform where Ashley could not see her walk-in. Suddenly, the drumming stopped and Spencer was surprised to hear…crying. Her heart dropped. She quietly walked up to the stage. Ashley was leaning over her drums with her sticks still in her hand. Tears were falling on her snare.

    “Ashley, are you okay?” Ashley jumped at the sound of interruption from the blonde. She quickly wiped away her tears, “I’m fine!” Ashley grabbed her sticks and played a loud rolling fill with extra kick. Spencer felt the anger of the beats in her chest.

    “What are you doing here, groupie?”, Ashley sighed.

    “I was looking for you”

    “What would you want with me? You just want to use me for your own pleasure for a minute and then throw me away like the rest. Tell the truth groupie.”

    “Ashley, please let me explain”, Spencer said as she stepped forward. Ashley picked up her sticks and let out a funky, evil, death metal beat. A beat that made Spencer shutter. Spencer tried to interrupt her and shout over her playing, but the brunette would not stop. Spencer reached over her and grabbed the sticks from her hands and shouted, “Ashley stop! Listen to me!”

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    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    2. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    4. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

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