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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 3)

    Ashley picked up another set of hidden sticks, because a drummer always has more just in case, and continued to play. Spencer being committed to her mission snatched those sticks and all the sticks underneath her away and threw them on the floor. She grabbed her legs and spun her around to face her. Spencer dropped to her knees in order to be eye to eye with Ashley.

    “You look at me and stop this right now! And don’t you say a word! You are going to hear me out today and right now!

    Ashley sat quietly surprised at how such a sweet looking girl could be so stern.

    “I’m sorry. I know that doesn’t mean a whole lot, but it’s hard to put into words how I feel. I freaked out yesterday. I did. I lied to you. I made you think that I could never like you but I do. I was afraid. I’ve never felt this before and you made me feel so good that I didn’t know my own self!”, Spencer paused exhausted from her heartfelt outpouring.

    Ashley looking into Spencer’s blue eyes that were gathering tears, “How do I know that you are not lying now?” Spencer dropped her head in disbelief. She had just expounded so much energy and erased so much fear to tell Ashley that she liked her even though she had only planned to ask for forgiveness.

    Spencer looked back up at Ashley and let it happened. She kissed Ashley with so much passion that even the brunette began to moan into the kiss. Spencer had never kissed anyone like that in her life. The kiss went on forever. Ashley hands were weaving in and out of the blonde locks in front of her. Spencer’s arms were around Ashley’s waist pulling her closer and closer as their bodies reacted to the intensity.


    The kiss continued deeper and deeper. Spencer’s breathing was already out of control. Ashley wrapped her arms around Spencer waist rubbing her back as they kissed, holding her tighter.

    “Exxxccccuuuussssee me……ladies”


    The girls were oblivious to sound. The only sound they heard were the moans and whimpers from each other. The kiss finally broke as Ashley moved to kiss her neck. “Oh Ashley…” , Spencer lightly whispered.

    “Ashley Davies!”

    Ashley looked up and opened her eyes, “Oh my god…, " she whispered.  Spencer turned around to see what could be so shocking. Both girls faces turned red as the sound of giggles became clear. They looked up to find the whole music room filled with students sitting watching them intently while they were waiting for the next class to start. The teacher had been desperately trying to get their attention.

    “Ummm….Ummm.. Mrs. Dykes….ummm…how long have you been here?”, Ashley asked. Spencer buried her head into Ashley’s shoulder completely embarrassed yet still wrapped in the brunette’s arms behind the drum set.

    Mrs. Dykes responded, “Oh…class would you say we’ve been here about 10 minutes now?” Wow! We’ve been kissing for ten minutes. Hmmm Spencer I want more.

    Knowing that Ashley was her best music student, Mrs. Dykes decided to go easy on her, “You two are likely late for next class. Her are two passes. I suggest you get yourselves under control and get there”

    Both girls thanked Mrs. Dykes. As they walked out, they could hear the whole class burst out in laughter.


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    1. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    2. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

    3. HAHAHAHAHAHAi love it. and the teachers name. god i would have died of embarassment if that was not really a PDA person. but that was great. postmoresoon :]

    4. LMFAO! Mrs. Dykes..LOL!!! Okay gotta stop laughing cause that’ll only make my cough worse but…LOL! Did I mention, WAHOOOO! I loved this update you’re so kicking ass on this fic its great! Please update soon, oh and btw I love your new motto! :)

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