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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 4)

    Spencer was trembling waiting for Ashley. She thought briefly that it was sweet that Ashley hesitated, but right now all she wanted was to feel her inside of her. She whispered, “Oh….Ashley…. I trust you. Please ….take me”. Ashley moved her underwear to the side and full on entered the blonde. Spencer let out a gasp with the pleasure she felt.

    Ashley buried her head into Spencer neck speaking with every thrust, “You ….are….so… fucking …wet …Ohh … ummm…so…wet….”. Spencer leaned her head against wall holding on to the brunette with her eyes closed taking every thrust. Screaming louder with each stroke. Her hips bucking wildly.

    Ashley lifted her against the wall and dipped deeper into her with every thrust, still keeping her mouth busy with passionate kisses. Spencer’s legs were dangling in the air. The blonde wrapped her legs around Ashley’s waist as the sensations heightened. She continued to buck and ride the brunette’s fingers. “Mmm…yeah Ashley…don’t stop….oooh….don’t ever stop”

    Ashley’s mind was going crazy as she could hear the slapping sounds from Spencer’s extreme wetness each time her fingers thrust into her. Her own wetness was overflowing. While continuing to thrust, she allowed her thumb to stroke Spencer’s hardened clit. Spencer’s crave for release went over the edge. Spencer felt her body begin to explode. “AASSSHHHHH….” The heated waves that spread through her were hard and long. She couldn’t even get her lover’s whole name out. Ashley let out a deep moan as she felt the blonde’s wetness flood around her while she was still inside. Still thrusting as Spencer came all over her.

    Ashley looked into Spencer eyes to make sure that she was okay. Body still shaking, Spencer began to cry. Ashley removed her fingers and wrapped her arms tightly around Spencer’s waist. Spencer squeezed her legs even tighter around Ashley’s waist with her arms wrapped around her neck. As she cried, Ashley placed slow kisses along her neck line to her cheek. She kissed her tears trying to stop them. No one had said a word or at least a full sentence yet. Ashley knew that this was intense for Spencer. She knew that her crying was because of how her pleasure had exposed her. They stayed that way for a few minutes. Spencer noted how strong Ashley was to be able to keep holding her in the air against the wall like that.

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    1. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    2. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

    3. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    4. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

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