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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 4)

    A frantic knock on the door broke their peace. Both girls looked towards the door. They could see a small crowd of people through the door window, mostly adults. From where they were standing, it looked like the principal, a few teachers, and a couple of students. The girls didn’t know how long they had been standing there, but they didn’t care. They hadn’t heard anything but the sounds of their own voices. It was becoming the norm for them to be interrupted. Ashley was glad that she had locked the door behind them when they entered in the first place.

    Spencer finally broke the silence, “You…are…amazing….” she said while kissing Ashley. Ashley smiled at her returning the kiss saying, “Well, there’s more to come beyond that…and by the way… you….are …. definitely …not … a ….groupie…”. The knocking on the door began to increase as the girls started to get lost again in their kisses.

    “I guess we are going to be in a little trouble”, the blonde sighed. She unwrapped her legs from around Ashley’s waist and stood against the wall. For some reason, in this small world of two, she was not afraid. She was comfortable with her little drummer girl. Ashley looked at the door hearing the principal shouting, “Open this door, right now!” She thought to herself that they could at least be sensitive enough to let us get fully dressed again, so they ignored the shouting until they did.  The girls pulled apart finally and turned their backs to the door so that they could put their bras back down and get dressed.

    “Ummm…Ashley…”, the blonde said chuckling. “My shirt has no buttons now.”

    “Oh yeah…sorry about that…I couldn’t resist getting to you”, the brunette laughed.

    The banging on the door was getting louder now that they noticed it. Ashley could see a security guard fumbling with a bundle of keys trying to find the one that would gain them entry.

    Ashley pulled Spencer close to her again. “Listen, I’m sorry that your first time was like this. I really wanted it to be special for you, you know”

    Touched by the brunette’s concerned, “Awww…baby. Don’t worry about that. It was the best first time that I’ve ever had.” Spencer softly kissed her lips. Ashley smiled while kissing Spencer loving how she called her baby.

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    1. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    2. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

    3. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    4. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

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