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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 4)

    The classroom door flung open. The girls stopped kissing but continued to hold hands, ready for their punishment. The principal tried to remain calm while shouting, “Girls! I can not believe what I am seeing. I just can’t believe it! To my office, right now!” The girls walked out the door , Spencer holding her shirt closed, and followed the principal. The small crowd they passed looked in complete shock. Some of the teachers were shaking their heads. Others had their hands covering their mouths. Spencer wondered how much had they actually seen.

    Arriving at the principal’s office, they sat in the two chairs in front of her desk. The girls were quiet and waiting as the principal shut the door and sat behind her desk. A small nameplate on her desk read, “Principal Bangernaut”

    “I am still in shock and disbelief at you two. I received a phone call that a teacher thought that she heard a girl screaming.” Spencer blushed. The principal continued, “We searched this area like crazy and with so much concern for the possible student. Only to find you two having sex in the classroom!”

    “How do you know that we were having sex?”, Ashley asked.

    “Ms. Davies, this is not the time to be flippant,” the principal snapped.

    “No really, we were just in the room, we were not having sex”

    “Look since what I saw was blatant. I’ll be the same with you. We saw you from the point Ms. Carlin here wrapped her legs around your waist. Now, how’s that for evidence?” Oh, her last name is Carlin .

    Spencer felt herself get wet slightly having a flashback of that scene, but then immediately reality hit her and she asked the principal, “Are …you…going to tell our parents?”

    Ashley saw the fear appear on Spencer’s face. She felt guilty about not being able to protect her from this exposure.

    The principal also saw the blonde nearly go pale at the thought of her parents finding out. She had enough counseling on gay teens to know that she had to proceed with this situation delicately. “Look, I am going to inform your parents that you were having sex at school. That is a must and a requirement, but I will not say with who. That I will leave up to you.”

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    1. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    2. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

    3. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    4. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

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