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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 4)

    Spencer felt relief and fear at the same time.

    The principal continued, “Now Ashley, how many times do we have to go over this.” Ashley thought where did the sensitivity training just go.

    Spencer turned to Ashley, “You’ve done this before?” looking like she was about to cry. The principal finally caught on that she had said the wrong thing, at least in front of Spencer and began to correct herself. “No Spencer, what I mean is that Ashley has had to visit my office very often for either talking back to teachers, not doing her homework, or insisting on playing drums through her other classes. She’s a regular. So Ashley how many times do we have to go over this obstinate behavior of yours?”

    “I’m sorry. I just have rebel in my blood. I’ll try to do better,” Ashley said relieved that the principal had a heart.

    “I’m required to assign both you girls to a counselor for the next week. Here are your assignments. Your parents will be notified tonight. You can not do things like this in school. School is a safe place for learning. You ladies are bright and should focus on taking full advantage of that opportunity.  I know that you may be going through different things physically, but the key is to maintain control and respect.” As the principal went on with her “be good and do good” speech, Spencer stared at Ashley. She wanted her to hold her and take all this fear away again. She didn’t know how she was going to explain this to her parents. She knew that her mother would have questions, detailed questions. As if Ashley knew what she was thinking, she reached over and grabbed Spencer’s hand and mouthed, “You will be okay”. Spencer let her tears fall out. Ashley was dying inside wanting to protect her.

    “Principal Bangernaut, can we go? This is a lot to deal with and preparing to have this discussion with our parents is going to be really hard and we need time to think. Our parents don’t know about us…you know.. Please can we leave school?”, the brunette requested.

    “Yes, I think under the circumstances it may be best. But go home.”

    At that, Ashley and Spencer left the office. Spencer noticed the looks on the faces of some of the school staff and students hanging around. She knew that word was going to spread fast about her new found sexuality.

    Ashley walked Spencer to her car. “Spencer, get in. We need to go somewhere and talk.” Spencer nodded and agreed as she fought hard to push the fear inside of her down that made her want to run. “Where can we go?”, she asked with tears beginning to fall.

    Ashley reached over and wiped her tears away with her thumb. “I know this little spot along the beach that’s great for talking”, Ashley said. Spencer lightly kissed Ashley’s hand to let her know that she hadn’t completely freaked out yet.

    The girls drove to the beach.




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    1. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    2. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

    3. Wow, this was really great. The sex was awesome and I usually don’t like stand up sex. But, that was really really good. I can see why Spencer came twice. Hot! Hot! Hot

    4. Argh, cliffies! Okay number one never read this amazing piece of fiction before going to work. Ugh I have a feeling its now going to be a long day. And number two I’m loving the way your bringing this story together! I’m sorry I would write more but I have to go…but this story is awesome and everything about it just keeps getting better ;)

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