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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 8)


    “Thanks, Mrs. Dykes”, Spencer said walking back outside.


    Spencer’s whole body shrunk at her defeat. Waiting until Monday was just not acceptable, but what choice did she have. Spencer sat down on a bench at lunch time. She didn’t have much of an appetite. Ashley was no where to be found. Her mind was exhausted from trying to figure out what to do. After a while, Spencer feel a sharp pain on her ankle. One of those small, glossy party fliers was on the ground and had blown it into her leg. She picked it up to read it just out of curiousity.

    Featured Band: Bumpin’ Uglies

    Tonight! Friday December 22nd

    8pm @ Gray

    Featuring King High drummer, Ashley Davies


    Spencer’s eyes widened. She couldn’t believe what she was reading. Is this meant to be? Ashley would never let her band down. Her drums were her main source of comfort. Spencer recalled the way that Ashley looked when she played. How sexy she was? How good she was? That girl had skills in more ways than one. A moment of excitement passed through Spencer. The moment quickly dissipated when she realized that she didn’t know what more she could say to Ashley to help ‘fix her heart’.



    “Hey Ashley, what’s up?”

    “Oh hey Aiden”, Ashley was kneeling on the floor preparing for her set with the band. Even though she had a drum tech, she always insisted on tuning her own drums.

    “I haven’t seen you around much. I’ve been trying to call you,” Aiden whined.

    You and everybody else

    Aiden continued talking at the speed of light, “I heard about what happened at school. That girl is crazy. I hope that you never see her again”

    “Whatever Aiden. Is there something you want ‘cause I’m kind of busy right now?”

     "Ash.. I just want to help cheer you up, " he said frustrated.

    “I know Aiden. I’m sorry. I just am not in the mood to talk about it right now. And hey, by the way, don‘t talk about her like okay. I know she fucked up. But, she had a lot pressure on her.”

    “But she –

    Ashley stopped tuning her drums, “Look, don’t fuckin’ talk about her okay! I don‘t want to talk about her!”

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