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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 8)

    Aiden threw his hands up and walked away.


    Ashley finished tuning her drums and wandered around backstage. The show didn’t start for another hour. For the last few days, she hadn’t done much of anything, but think of Spencer. She was tormented by her memories.

    “Being with you has been… no … it is the best experience that I’ve ever had. I loved being with you. Everything about it. When I’m with you, I don’t care what happens around us or what crowds gather. I just know that I want to be with you.”

    Could she even trust Spencer again? She was so tired of the random groupie mix of girls. She wanted love and she had felt love with Spencer.


    “You look like you are in deep thought,” a sultry voice whispered catching Ashley off guard.


    “I was,” Ashley said as she looked up at the girl.


    “Anything I can do to help you get over.”


    Ashley looked at the girl. She had it all in the right places. She met all the criteria: Beautiful face. Tight Body. Beautiful Eyes. Enchanting Smile. A Willing Spirit. Three out of five used to be Ashley’s minimum requirement for hooking up. And she had 100%. Even though Ashley wanted more in her life, she felt herself falling back into her routine. Familiarity can kill a girl’s motivation to change.

    “Oh really, how so?”, Ashley flirted.

    The girl stepped closer to Ashley pushing her against the wall and kissed her. Ashley’s mind was flooded with random thoughts of Spencer instantly. How she wished that these were Spencer’s lips? She missed her lips. She missed her.   She let the moment go and deepened the kiss with the girl.  She just wanted to feel something today other than the torment.




    Spencer arrived at Gray as early as she could. She hoped that it was early enough to catch Ashley alone. She walked toward the backstage area surprised that security didn’t stop her.

    “What are you doing here?” a tall, handsome dark-haired boy said.

    It was as if he appeared out of nowhere. Spencer didn‘t take another step, “Excuse me, do I know you?”

    “No, but I know you… Spencer Carlin”

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