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    Standing In A Crowd – (Chapter: 8)


    “How do you know my name?” she asked.


    “You are the one who crushed my best friend, Ashley’s, heart. Aren’t you?” he taunted.


    “She told you that…”


    “Of course, she did. She tells Aiden everything. And I’m not going to let you hurt her anymore”


    Spencer was annoyed with him speaking in the third person. “Look! Move out of my way. I have to talk to her.” Gosh, how gay is he?


    Aiden stepped back in front of her. “And what are you going to say…huh…” Aiden began mocking her making a whiny voice clasping his hands together, “Oooh Ashley…I loooove you…I’m ssooooo sorry…Wah! Wah! Waah! If you think that‘s going to work, then think again!”


    “Why are you being an ass? You know you don’t have to be such a jerk about this. Don‘t you want her to be happy. Maybe I can actually make her happy.”


    “Ashley doesn’t need or want you anymore, Spencer. You literally broke her and she hasn’t been the same since. You should just leave her alone.”


    Spencer shoved Aiden out the way, “Move!” She practically ran backstage searching for Ashley.


    And then she found her…deep in a kiss with….a random groupie… It was true. Aiden was right. Ashley didn’t want her anymore. Ashley couldn’t get passed what she had done. These are the consequences her dad was talking about. Breath deeply. These are the real consequences.  Why does this hurt so much?

    Ashley was kissing the girl so deeply that she didn’t see Spencer staring at her. Her body was pressed against her tightly and her hands all over her.

    As Ashley moved to kiss the girl’s neck, her eyes caught sight of the blonde standing in the middle of the hallway with tears falling down. She broke away from the girl causing the girl to moan in disappointment.


    Spencer turned running pass Aiden and out the door. Her tears were flowing continuously as she made her way home. She knew she had no right to be upset with Ashley, but she was. Ashley had every right to move on from her she thought especially after what she had done. But her heart wouldn’t let it go.

    Don’t run, baby. Come back. I’m sorry. We can make this work.  Ashley played her set that night as expected. Although the crowd loved it, she knew that it wasn’t her best show. Her mind was preoccupied with Spencer. She was beginning to hate that she cared so much for her. Her mind was again crowded with sheer torment. To love or not to love.

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