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    Stargate SGI: Duty versus Love – (Chapter: Friendship)

    "Hey babe, I got a seat right here for you"

    "Naw, sit with me toots."

    "Never mind them, I got what you need right here" the male voices all blended together.

    Sam raised her sunglasses and watched while a long legged brunette tried to weave her way through the various groping hands of the men seated by the pool. Grimacing, she lowered her glasses back down dismissing them as harmless and besides, the brunette looked like she could take care of herself.

    Moments later she heard a female voice by her side, "Excuse me, is this lounger available?" Sam looked up into the eyes of the same woman she had glanced at before. "Yes, certainly. You’re welcome to it," Sam said, laying her head back down.

    "Thanks, I thought there might be saftey in numbers," the brunette chuckled causing Sam to smile and turn to face the woman.

    "They won’t bother you here, I set a couple of them straight yesterday and believe me they won’t come anywhere near here now." Sam said grinning. "I’m Sam, welcome to the neighborhood."

    "Jennifer!" responded the brunette. "Nice place you have here" she said tongue-in-cheek indicating the pool area of the resort they were both in.

    "You should see my big house!" Sam joked. "Are you here on business or vacation?" she asked.

    Jennifer poured some sun block on her arms, spreading it liberally. "Vacation, definitely vacation. I’m between assignments. You?" she asked the beautiful blonde.

    "Same, a 2 week, get away from it all, no contact with work, vacation!" she finished happily.

    Jennifer offered her sunblock to Sam, "Want some?"

    "Yeah thanks, mine has probably worn off by now." she said as she poured some onto her exposed skin before passing back.the bottle. Jennifer tucked the bottle back in her tote and laid back to relax.

    "If you notice I fall asleep, do me a favour and wake me before I go nova?" Jennifer asked Sam, who nodded.

    "Sure I’ll make sure you don’t burn," Sam laughed and they both laid back to enjoy the sun for an hour or so.

    It seemed like minutes later and Sam felt a hand on her shoulder rocking her gently. "Hey sleepy head, unless you really want to look like a lobster, it’s time to wake up."

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    1. Wow I normally don’t read much on this site but this story is definitely cool. I love the film star gate but haven’t seen much of the series:) pls continue n pps

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