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    Still take you home – (Chapter: Chapter 2- who needs sex?)

    Chapter 2- who needs sex?


    It’s 5am and I’m tired as fuck! Coach Peters called an early morning practice for what he considers a good reason. I don’t know I don’t think there is ever a good reason to call practice at 5am.


    “carlin! Did you get all of that?” my coach questions as he calls me out in front of the team. I simply shake my head and say no.


    He lets out a sigh as he repeats everything he just said.


    “I was telling you guys that there is a new player. She just got here and I’ve seen her play before. Girl is from Chicago, she’s got serious talent there was just nothing out there for her. She’s guna be our new point guard.” He says looking straight at me. I think he knew what was coming.



    “coach what the fuck! I’m point, you telling me in a matter of a day you’ve replaced me with some random ass chick and now I’m riding the pine pony!” I scream at him.


    “ok one, carlin did you really just say pine pony?” he laughs as the team joins along with him. I don’t think any of this is funny. “secondly there is no way your ass is sitting on the bench. I’m just making some changes.”


    “what kind of changes.” I snap back at him.


    “well for one, Sophia tested positive for drugs so she isn’t on the team anymore.” Damn, I always told that girl she shouldn’t be doing that shit during the season. Oh well her loss. “secondly, I’m moving people around, it might seem strange but I know you all can do it. aiden since you recently had this out of the blue growth spurt you and glen will be switching positions. Aiden you will be center, glen you will be our power forward. Carmen you will be taking sophia’s spot at small forward. Spencer as I just told you, you won’t be playing point guard anymore, I think you will be a lot stronger as our shooting guard because you have a strong shot and I don’t want to waste that on just having you at point. Does anyone have a problem with this?” he asks as he looks at all of our faces. I look at glen who looks at aiden who looks at Carmen who looks at the door as it opens to reveal the new girl on the team.

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    1. So you haven’t updated this in like 2 years…thats so disappointing… I should check when the stories have been updated last before I read them and get attached… Poo…. Pms?

    2. Don’t ever apologise for being funny. I love your writing, it’s funny as fuck. This story is no exception. Spencer’s gonna lose to Maddy if she doesn’t tone it down a bit Ash ain’t no slut she can schmooze into bed. Hmmm, I just said schmooze didn’t I? Nevermind just PMS!

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