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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Faking It)

    Ch 7


    Quiet Spencer, never good. I picked her up about ten minutes ago and she hasn’t said a word. She’d been crying though, and I just wish she would tell me why. I reach over the console to grab her hand, but she pulls away.


    “Spencer,” I say “Please don’t do this.”


     “Don’t do what?” She says. She won’t look at me, and it’s killing me. We’re at my house, and she gets out and walks inside. I sit in the car for a minute longer and then follow her. She’s already half way up the stairs.


    “Spencer wait!” I call after her, and she stops. I quickly catch up to her and turn her around so she’s facing me. “Can you please just tell me what’s going on?”  She’s staring at the floor and I lift her chin up with my fingers, and then move my hand up so that I’m cupping her cheek. She leans into my touch for a moment, but then abruptly pulls away like she’s been burned or something.


    “Don’t,” She whispers.


    “Don’t what?”


    “Just don’t…. I c-can’t have you touching me, not when I’m trying to talk to you. I can’t deal with it right now Ash I just….” She takes in a deep breath and I can tell she’s about to lose it.


    “Okay babe, it’s ok. Let’s go to my room. We’ll talk alright?” She just nods her head, and I grab her hand. She doesn’t pull away so I lead her up the rest of the stairs into my room.





    “Spence, talk to me please?” She’s looking at me so intently right now; she’s begging me to talk to her.


    “I don’t know if I can,” I say, staring at the floor again.


    “Spencer please. Whatever it is you can tell me ok? Whatever it is, we’ll get through it. I promise.”


    “Ok. It’s about Glen. He,” I take a deep breath in before saying this, because I know that whatever comes afterward is going to change everything. “He’s still in love with you Ashley.”


    “HE WHAT!?”


    Apparently talking about being in love with Ashley Davies is a very dangerous and painful thing, because she falls off the bed. I laugh in spite of myself because that moment was completely priceless. And then I remember what we were talking about, and it’s not funny anymore.

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    1. AW! loL! awesome update! this story is flippin’ great. =] i just hope ‘tonight’ is perfect and spencer grows some balls and tells ashley how she really feels!! PMS!!

    2. AW! loL! awesome update! this story is flippin’ great. =] i just hope ‘tonight’ is perfect and spencer grows some balls and tells ashley how she really feels!! PMS!!

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