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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: High Tension)

    Ch 11


    We spent the next two hours in the pool, sharing sweet kisses and gentle touches.  But it got darker and the night cooled off, so at around 8 we went back inside.


    “Ash can I t-take a shower. I’m f-freezing,” I say, my teeth chattering.


    “Yeah of course,” she replies, walking behind me and putting her arms around my waste. She gently sucks my earlobe into her mouth and I gasp. “But only if I can come with you,” He voice is lower and I know what that means. But it scares me.  I quickly untangle myself from her arms, mumble something about only taking a quick shower and then hurry into the bathroom.


    As soon as the door is shut I lean against it, sighing. That probably looked really bad, but what was I supposed to do? Of course I want her, I have forever but it’s a big step. Plus she’s been with a lot of girls before me, and I’ve slept with just Aiden. And trust me that was nothing to write home about…not that I would anyway. I push this all out of my head and hop in the shower.




    So…that was uncomfortable. I didn’t mean to freak her out, but I did anyway. I don’t know why she’s being nervous and shy all of a sudden. She wasn’t shy at all earlier tonight. The image of her straddling me pops into my head, and a shiver goes down my spine. I want her so bad, but I also don’t want to hurt her, or scare her and I know this is a big step for us. But I also know that I want to take it with her. She’s the first person I’ve ever wanted to make love to, not just fuck. So tonight, I’m going to seduce Spencer Carlin and finally, finally make her mine.


    I’m brought out of my planning when the bathroom door swings open. I stare at her and my breath catches in my throat. She’s wet and her skin is flushed from the heat of the shower. And she’s only wearing a towel. All I want to do is rip it off of her right now, but then I remember the plan – go slow, for now. But hey, that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun, right?

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    1. i agree how could u?!!!!!! my god the image is forever frozen in my brain with no relief in site. well maybe im a tad dramatic but come on patience is not my virtue!! lol love it more PLEASE

    2. So yeah you stopped there? how could you, I’m going die and go straight to the fire pits of hell for the images in my head xDLooks like it is time for a cold shower for me and there better be more when I’m done, lol J/KPMS!!!!

    3. i agree how could u?!!!!!! my god the image is forever frozen in my brain with no relief in site. well maybe im a tad dramatic but come on patience is not my virtue!! lol love it more PLEASE

    4. So yeah you stopped there? how could you, I’m going die and go straight to the fire pits of hell for the images in my head xDLooks like it is time for a cold shower for me and there better be more when I’m done, lol J/KPMS!!!!

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