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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Introduction)

    Ch 1


    “Spence, come on!” She whines. I simply shake my head no. “Ashley Davies, there is no way, and I mean absolutely positively no way in hell I am helping you get ready for your “date” with “Carmen.” I add air quotes around date and Carmen, and she just rolls her eyes at me. “You know I can’t stand her. I’m still amazed you even got me to come over here in the first place.”


    It’s the truth. I really cannot stand the girl. She never did anything to me personally, and she has been pretty nice to Ash but there’s just something about her…I don’t like it.  I’m not jealous of course. I have no reason to be. Ashley has been my best friends since kindergarten – that’s 11 years of friendship and we’ve been through a lot. I was there when her dad died, and when her mom left because she couldn’t ‘handle’  Ash or her sister Kyla anymore. She was there when my mom left my dad for some doctor, and when my brother Clay died. And I was the first person she told she liked girls.


    Oh yeah, minor detail. Ash is gay, well bi anyway, even though she hasn’t been with a guy in a while.   She came out in the middle of our freshman year, well at least to me. The rest of the school didn’t find out until she got caught hooking up with our bio teacher during an ‘after school tutoring session’ which is pretty scandalous for a Catholic school.  There was no proof so Ash couldn’t get expelled but our bio teacher was ‘asked to resign’ aka they sacked her ass. She got a lot of shit from a lot of people after that, but she also had a bunch of not so bad looking girlies hanging around her, too. And believe me she used that to her full advantage.  That’s one of the things I love about her. She can take any situation and completely turn it around so that it works out best for her.


     But anyway….I have no reason to be jealous of this Carmen slut.  It’s not like I have feelings for Ashley. I mean, I can’t. I’m not gay. I have a boyfriend. I’m just protective of her. That’s it.

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    1. i like how ashley knows spencer is gay and doesn’t like boys but pretends along with spencer that she’s straight. its kind of sad though cuz spence doesn’t love aiden but becuase of her mom and brother is sort of emotionally forced to be with him.

    2. i like how ashley knows spencer is gay and doesn’t like boys but pretends along with spencer that she’s straight. its kind of sad though cuz spence doesn’t love aiden but becuase of her mom and brother is sort of emotionally forced to be with him.

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