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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Possession)

    Ch 19



    “You guys need to be careful though, because now that Maddy knows she’s going to do anything she can to catch you again.” He turns to leave, “Oh and the next time you stake out my house don’t bring Glen. And try to be a little more discreet when you’re rolling around in my bushes.” He laughs and then leaves.


    Now we’re both speechless




    “Well that was unexpected,” Ash says in between licks of her ice cream.


    “Psh…understatement of the year,” I snort.  We’d been walking around for the past half hour, attempting to find Glen.  “Where the hell do you think he went?” I ask. The boy was nowhere in sight.


    “Maybe he’s trying to get back together with Madison. God knows that would make our lives easier.” She turns to look at me, and I can tell from her eyes that she hates this cover up thing we have going.


    “Ashley,” I begin, grabbing her hand and pulling her closer to me, “I know…I know this isn’t easy but I promise you I would never ask you to lie like this if it wasn’t for the best okay? And it’s not forever, you know that.” I look at her, and I can tell she’s pacified for the moment.


    “You’re lucky you’re…decent, Carlin. Or I would not put up with this shit.” She says to me while playfully rolling her eyes. I scoff at her in mock anger “Decent? You seemed to think I was a little more than decent last night, and this morning, and in the locker room…”


    She grins at me again and starts to lean in to me, but before she can I take my ice cream cone and smash it against her cheek. “HA! You can’t call me decent Davies and get away with it!” I shriek as I start to run away, almost positive she’s chasing after me. But after a few seconds I turn around and realize that she isn’t behind me. I look over to where we were standing and see Glen, with his arms around Ashley.




    Oh shit.


    She looks pissed.


    I was about to chase after her for smacking me with that ice cream when Glen came out of nowhere and grabbed me around the waist. Before I can move out of his grasp, Spencer walks over to us, her eyes flashing something dangerous.

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    1. okay i’m loving spencer’s mood swings and what is with glen he knows that it’s just fake yet he’s playing it up and is totally pissing spence off pms

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