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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture pt. 2)

    Ch 14

    Spencer falls asleep pretty quickly with her head on my chest. Even though I’m the one holding her, I’ve never felt so safe. That was probably the best sex I’ve ever had, and she didn’t even do anything. Which reminds me, I’m still aroused as hell.

    I try to shift in the bed a little bit, because wearing completely soaked panties is not the best feeling in the world. But as soon as I move, she sighs and pulls me closer, her forearm is across my chest, dangerously close to my nipples. A soft moan escapes my mouth, and she starts to stir, but instead of waking up she just shifts again, this time bringing her leg up until it’s in direct contact with my center.

    “Fuck,” I whisper loudly, but she still doesn’t wake up. God I can’t take this anymore. I slowly start grinding myself into her leg trying to get some relief.

    “Ash?” She says sleepily, and I instantly stop moving.

    “Uh…yeah?” I cough, trying to clear the obvious arousal from my voice. She picks up on it though, because before I know it she’s hovering above me, with a sexy smirk on her face.

    “What were you just doing?” Oh shit. She knows.

    “Gah…Spencer!” I groan. I grab a pillow and throw it over my face to hide the blush that has quickly spread there.

    “Ashley,” she laughs. “Come on, lose the pillow. It’s ok.”

    “No Spence it’s embarrassing,” I never thought that my first time with her would be like this – me freaking out and her being the one to calm me down.

    “It’s ok,” she says again and leans down next to my pillow. “Actually it’s way more than okay,” her voice is getting husky again and I feel a knew rush of wetness to my center. “I think it’s very, very hot.”

    Well that worked. I toss the pillow off to the side and look up at her. She’s straddling me, still naked, and I can already feel the heat from her core on my abdomen. Her eyes are the darkest they’ve been all night and I can feel her breath on my face…rapid and shallow.

    She leans down and pulls me into a searing kiss, and we stay like that for what feels like hours. Finally, I pull back for air and she pretty much growls into my ear “Ash, I want you so fucking bad,” she tugs on my earlobe with her teeth, and an involuntary moan escapes my throat. Then she pulls back to look at me, and her gaze is less intense, more vulnerable. “But you need….like,” she stops and takes a deep breath before continuing. “You know I’ve never done this with a girl. So if you can like…tell me what you like… like while I’m doing it? I want to make you feel as good you made me feel.”

    I lean up into her and crash my lips into hers. Eventually I’m forced to pull back again for air and I say to her breathlessly “Yeah Spence, whatever you need.”

    She smirks down at me yet again, and I can tell that confident sexy Spencer is back. “No Ash,” she says huskily, “I think it’s more about what you need,” And with that, she pulls me in again for another passionate kiss.


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