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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Rapture pt. 3)



    Ch 15




    She smirks down at me yet again, and I can tell that confident sexy Spencer is back. “No Ash,” she says huskily, “I think it’s more about what you need,” And with that, she pulls me in again for another passionate kiss.


    After a few minutes, she pulls back and nibbles on my bottom lip for a moment before pulling away entirely. I let out a frustrated groan at the loss of contact, and she must take it as a bad sign, because she sits up and looks down at me.


    “Ash did I do something wrong?”


    “N-no Spence. I just really need you,” I choke out.


    Instead of verbally responding, she attacks my neck with her mouth, licking and sucking a trail down to my pulse point and stopping briefly at the places that get the best reactions out of me. As soon as she finds my pulse point, she bites down. Hard “Sspencerrr,” I hiss.  I feel her grin into my neck and she keeps up her assault until I feel like I’m about to explode.


    Finally, she moves down to my breasts and cups them both in her hands, each palm pressing against my nipples. She keeps lightly touching me and kissing all around my breast except for the place I want her most and I can’t take anymore.  “Spencer please stop teasing me!”


    She pulls back entirely and just stares at me. Then without warning and without breaking eye contact, she leans down and covers my right breast with her hot warm mouth. It feels so good. I moan and arch my back, giving her more access.  I look down at her again and I see that she’s never taken her eyes off of me. She switches to my left breast, her eyes continue to burn into mine. Then I feel her rake her teeth across my nipple and a loud guttural moan escapes my mouth.


    Spencer must take this as a sign that I need more, because she kisses down my chest to my abs and then stops. She runs her hands over them, and goose bumps spring up all over my body. She brings her mouth down, and licks a hot trail from the top of my stomach all the way down to the waistband of my boxers and then goes back up. She starts to go back down again, and I can feel my self control slowly slipping away. I don’t want her to feel obligated to take care of me.

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