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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Sabotage)

    Ch 5


    She’s holding my hand. Her hand. Her fingers. Holding Mine. And for the first time, I’m not worried, or scared, or nervous. Ok maybe I’m nervous as all hell, but it’s a good nervous. A very, very good nervous.


    I look down at our hands and I can’t help but smile. We’re in her car, me and her in the front seat, with are hands on the console, and my stupid brother/tree is sitting in the way back, like past the back seat in the truck type thing. He’s way too humiliated to come talk to us, or get close enough to see what we’re doing and I’m infinitely grateful for his bruised ego.


    I give Ash’s hand a small squeeze. She looks at me and smiles, and it makes my heart jump up into my throat and my stomach does summersaults again. She really has no idea what she does to me. Or maybe she does. She checks in the rearview mirror to make sure captain retard isn’t paying attention to us, and then she brings my hand to her lips and places a small kiss on my hand. I take in a sharp breath and look at her. She’s staring at me, half amused, half …something else. And I think I know what the something else is because her eyes are dark, her breathing has picked up, and her face is flushed.


    “Miss Davies, are you blushing?” I whisper, leaning over towards her, just in case Glen is listening.


    “Maybe,” She mutters, staring down at our hands, “But that’s just what you do to me, Spence”


    I put my other hand on top of hers, and she grins at me. We’re at a red light and she’s drumming on the steering wheel with her other hand. It suddenly occurs to me that she’s nervous, and I find this impossibly cute. So cute, that I forget where we are and who’s in the car with us, and I lean over the console and plant a small kiss on her lips.


    I pull back slightly and rest my forehead on hears. She starts to lean in again, and I instinctively lick my lips.


    “Hey Ash it’s a green light you knowwhhhat are you guys doing?” Glen is climbing over the back seat, his branches scraping the roof as he goes. Ashley mutters something about having a scratch on her face, and that seems to suffice for Glen.

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    1. uh oh .. this isn’t good. i hope spencer doesnt start pushing ashley away before they even start something. that would blow .. just a little. awesome update though! this story is effen great! you have to PMASAP!!! uh huH!

    2. uh oh .. this isn’t good. i hope spencer doesnt start pushing ashley away before they even start something. that would blow .. just a little. awesome update though! this story is effen great! you have to PMASAP!!! uh huH!

    3. stupid glen things would have probably been fine if spence went to ash’s they could have talked it out with a lot of make out time in between but now spence seems to be pushing away from ashley…pms

    4. stupid glen things would have probably been fine if spence went to ash’s they could have talked it out with a lot of make out time in between but now spence seems to be pushing away from ashley…pms

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