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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: So Jealous)

    Ch 17



    I turn around to see Spencer standing at the bottom of the stairs, glaring at me.



    Before I have a chance to speak, she walks outside and slams the door behind her. “Great!” I yell into the empty house before following her outside. I try to sit in the backseat with Spencer when I reach the car, but she locked the door. “Come on, Ash! Shotgun!” Glen yells excitedly from the driver’s seat. I take one last look at Spencer through the back window, trying to get her to open the door, or at least look at me, but she keeps staring straight ahead. I roll my eyes and hop in the front seat.


    The car ride usually takes an hour, but with L.A. traffic it takes almost two and a half. And for the most part, it was really uncomfortable, at least for me and Spence. Glen was oblivious to any tension, as usual.


    The thing about Glen is that he has that infectious Carlin smile, plus a killer laugh, plus the attention span of an 8 year old, so being with him is almost always hilarious. We were sitting in the front, belting out all these songs and laughing the whole time.


    Needless to say, this pissed Spencer off even more, but I couldn’t help myself. Plus, if I sat in the front seat being miserable, Glen definitely would’ve picked up on something, no matter how thick he can be


    As soon as we park the car, Spencer jumps out and heads towards the bathrooms at lightning speed. I didn’t know anyone could move that fast. Anyway, I take the towels and tell Glen to get the tickets while I get some lockers for our stuff.


    Glen and I split up at the ticket counter, and as soon as I walk into the girls’ locker area, someone grabs my arm and pulls me into a stall.


    “What the fu- oh, hey Spence!” I attempt to remain cheerful, because she looks pissed.


    “Ashley what the FUCK was that,” She hisses at me.


    “Well what did you expect me to do? First of all, he kissed me, you know that. You were sitting right there. Second of all, was I supposed to sit in the front seat the whole car ride here and mope? Glen might be an idiot but he would be able to tell that something was up,” I snap at her.


    Her eyes hit the floor. “I know,” She mutters, defeated. “I just didn’t think I would get that jealous.”


    “Hey, Spence look at me,” She lifts her head. “It’s ok. But maybe I shouldn’t keep seeing him, obviously it isn’t good for us.”


    “No! Ash we can’t,” She says, “Look, I know that it’s going to be hard but in the long run it’ll be better for us I swear. If you can keep the pda’s with him under control then I can keep my jealousy in check okay? I promise,” She leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips.


    “Spencer I don’t know, “ I say, but she can already tell I’m starting to cave.


    “Please,” she whines, tilting her head to side. Yep, I’m a goner.


    “Ugh…fine,” I sigh, “but if I feel like things are getting out of hand with him, or with you, then I get to end it okay?”


    “Deal,” She says, smiling cutely at me. God, I’m so whipped.


    We leave the bathrooms and go find Glen. He’s standing near the snack bar, with 3 inner tubes around him and a hotdog in each hand. “Guys!” He yells, waving one hotdog-filled hand at us, “Over here!”


    Spence and I have a small laughing fit, because he looks so ridiculous, and then walk over to meet him.


    “Carlin, you look like a moron,” I start to say


    “Well there’s two Carlins,” I hear someone say, “so I guess that makes 2 morons and…a freak.”





    1. hmm…sounds like someone new to hate in this story? who could it be? post more! i still think spencer and ashley hiding the relationship from Glen is weird, not to mention akward, but it’s def. making this interesting so i can’t complain! pms!

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