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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: The Words We Say)

    Ch 9



    It’s Friday night and I’m lying in my bed watching T.V. but I’m not really watching anything at all. My thoughts are everywhere, but at the same time on only one thing – Spencer. How did I let things get this out of hand?


    I haven’t talked to her in about a week, not that I haven’t tried, but she wouldn’t answer her phone, and I couldn’t go to her house because she was in Ohio for Thanksgiving. So as of right now, we’re pretty much in the same place we were last week, which is really unfortunate because I have n no idea what that place is. We’re friends but we’re fighting? She loves me but she can’t be gay? We’re just done – whatever was happening between us is over? I don’t want to think about that.


    My phone rings and I immediately pick it up, hoping it might be her. Wrong. “Hey cutie,” Glen says. I really need to get a personal ring tone for Spence, or at least check the caller ID. “Oh hey Glen. How was Ohio?” I don’t really care. At all. But if I’m talking to Glen, I’ll see if he wants to hang out, which means I might see Spencer and that’s worth it.


    “It was really great. I got to see my whole extended family and all my old friends.” He sounds really happy. “That sounds really fun Glen.” I surprise myself with how sincere I sound. “Did Spence have fun?” A little too obvious? I hope not.


    “Yeah she did. Haven’t you talked to her? I barely even saw her during the entire trip because she was hanging out with her friends and Andy.” Andy? As in old boyfriend Andy? “Ash if you’re not doing anything toni-“Before he can finish I cut him off. “Hey I gotta go I’ll call you later ok bye.” And I hang up.


    I pace for about a minute and then I call her. She doesn’t pick up. What a shock. So I call her again, determined to keep doing it until she answers. On the fourth attempt it works.




    “What?” I say, rolling my eyes even though she can’t see me.

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    1. Warning…do not wait a month or longer to post, will spontaneously combust from anticipation. LOL. No seriously, I will, so POST MORE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

    2. Warning…do not wait a month or longer to post, will spontaneously combust from anticipation. LOL. No seriously, I will, so POST MORE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!

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