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    Suspended Animation – (Chapter: Your Own Disaster)

    Ch 8


    It’s almost 7, so Spencer should be here any minute. I feel really bad about using Glen to make her jealous, but at the same time, it seemed like that was the only way to make her get it together. It’s like Kyla said, if I can figure out my feelings for Glen and get Spencer to do the same with me, why not go for it? I just hope I didn’t push her too far; she’s been a little weird lately.


    Hopefully we can put all this other bull shit behind us, tonight is about us. I’m going to tell her how I feel, but I really want her to say it first.  So the plan for tonight is a Disney movie marathon, of course, and then I’m going try to bring up her weirdness and the kiss, well both of them and go from there.



    I’ve been standing outside Ash’s for about 10 minutes. I know I should go in, and I know that I shouldn’t be this nervous, but I am. She must think I’m mildly retarded if she thinks I don’t know what she’s been doing – using Glen to get back at me. And yeah, it’s worked but it’s also really pissed me off. If she thinks I’m just going to cave tonight and apologize for all this stuff without expecting one from her, she’s got another thing coming. Ashley Davies may love games, but what she doesn’t know is that I can play them too, and I’m a lot better at them than she is.


    I ring her doorbell and she opens it almost immediately. As soon as she sees me, her jaw practically hits the floor. Why? Because I look smokin hott, if I do say so myself. My jeans are tight, my cami is clingy and low cut, and my hair is curly, which I know for a fact drives Ash crazy.  She doesn’t look too bad herself – short jean skirt, tight green halter. Ok I admit it; I drool a little when I see her too.


    “Hey Spence,” She says smiling at me.


    “Hey yourself,” I reply, and then I run my eyes up and down the length of her body, shamelessly checking her out and biting my lip as I do so. When I meet her eyes again, she looks surprised and then she blushes

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    1. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    2. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

    3. woah buddy! this one left me flippin’ speechless too! AMAZING update!! that was awesome! compeletly awesome!! PMASAP!! i want ashley to get spencer back! loL!

    4. SoNfan03 is right. AMAZING update! can’t wait for the next. also I love the description of the kiss…”rough-teeth hitting, biting lips, but neither of us care.” It just made sense and the image was crystal clear. LOVE IT!

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