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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 1)


    Ashley smiled as she had almost completely forgotten that her night had been a little wild.


    She spotted her right away sitting in the corner sipping her drink. Ashley locked eyes with her. From that moment on, she knew that she was hers. Ashley walked towards her and whispered once question in her ear, “Do you know the difference between desire and yearning?“ It always worked for her. They never knew and she was always happy to show them. They danced all night at Gray’s until she brought her home. Her body had been so easy to manipulate. She was so willing. Ashley hadn’t even known her first name, but she had the girl calling hers again and again.

    . .

    The girl walked over to give Ashley a peck on the cheek. Ashley looked her mother shaking her head in disbelief. “Oh…ummm…yeah… "


    “Gina,” the girl said with a hint of embarrassment.


    “Ummm …yeah Gina….I’ll be ready in a sec meet me outside at the car, okay.”


    The girl walked out of the door looking back at Ashley, still mesmerized.


    “Ashley, I have accepted the fact that you’re gay, but I have not accepted this wild side to you. This is the third girl this weekend and it’s only Sunday. Can you please cool it with Paula’s daughter? She’s a nice, straight girl. Don’t ruin her LA experience. Paula means a lot to me, deal?”


    “Yeah…Yeah…alright”, Ashley said reminding herself that she wasn’t that insensitive. She grabbed her keys to meet Gina outside.



    “I’m so excited for you mom. A chance to get to see your best friend from college again. I know that you must feel great about it.”

    “Yeah, Spence, I do. Christine was a really good friend. She was always there when I needed her back then. It’s a shame that we haven’t talked that much, but at least we’ve kept in touch you know,” Paula explained.


    Spencer watched her mom smiling, staring into space obviously recalling some memory between them. She liked that the thought of seeing Christine again made her mom happy. “Mom, I so nervous about moving here you know. This city is so different than Ohio,” Spencer shyly admitted.


    Running her fingers through her hair, “Oh… how could I forget! Christine has a daughter and she’s your age. She’s going to hang out with you and show you a little of L.A. I thought that would help you know… with things. Would you like that?” Paula said.


    “Yeah, but I don’t want anyone to think they have to baby sit me.”


    “Oh no, it’s not like that. Christine says that she has a lot of girlfriends. So maybe you’ll make more friends than just her.”


    “Alright, we’ll just see how it goes”


    Spencer took a deep breath. I hope that she’s not too cute.


    “We are meeting Christine and her daughter for dinner tonight. Your father and the boys are going to stay here and ‘bond’ as they put it. So tonight, a girls night out for me and you, okay?”


    “Okay”, Spencer sighed as she walked to her bedroom.




    “For goodness sakes, mom! You could have told me about the whole dinner thing a little earlier!” Ashley screamed while getting dressed.


    “I didn’t want you to run to one of your little girlfriends trying to avoid this. I really need you to be on your best behavior. Paula is really special to me.”


    Ashley was curious about her mom’s fuss over Paula. She had never seen her so nervous and excited at the same time about anything. She just had to see this one in real life. She’d convinced herself that maybe the dinner wouldn’t be so bad.


    “Alright, best behavior. Girl scouts, honor”, Ashley said as she tried to hold up the right fingers.


    “Ashley, you were never a girl scout. Remember, you were kicked out for trying to kiss all the girls on the first day.”


    “Oh yeah”, Ashley smiled. “I was just giving them what they wanted,” she chuckled.


    “Hurry up and get dressed! We don’t want to be late.”


    Christine turned to leave the room and Ashley finished getting dressed. I hope that this girl is not too cute.


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    1. I adore you and all your stories. It would be the best if christine and paula had a fling in the college days, but I guess that is a bit much. Could happen, right?

    2. LMAO. (the girl scout comment.) eh..i was/am a girl scout. HAHAHA i just pictured a small ashley trying to kiss my troupe. it made me laugh. *chuckles to self* ok. that was a fantastic start. and i officially love you, so write more.

    3. you’re just a big ball of inspiration aren’t you? lol. this is goiong to be a funny story. knowing paula didn’t know how honest christine was being when she said Ashley had a lot of girlfriends was killing me. *snickers* Spencer not so confused i see and girlscout pun. *tears up* priceless.

    4. THIS STORY IS A RIOT!! It gave me such a great feeling after studying for hours! I love every single one of your stories… they are all so different but they are all so good! I love your pace. Oh and I know you are going to make it interesting with the Christine-Paula storyline… GREAT!! Plus I know you have a soft spot in your heart for Christine, me too I think :) Please keep doing or eating whatever has been inspiring you to write and update posts so fast… I know we love it! Thanks, and much love to you…

    5. Damn, another fic already? You are on a roll, girl. I am already loving this fic, it seems that things are going to get very interesting. This dinner should be something. And once again, I love that Ash and her mom have a positive relationship. Update soon.

    6. I adore you and all your stories. It would be the best if christine and paula had a fling in the college days, but I guess that is a bit much. Could happen, right?

    7. LMAO. (the girl scout comment.) eh..i was/am a girl scout. HAHAHA i just pictured a small ashley trying to kiss my troupe. it made me laugh. *chuckles to self* ok. that was a fantastic start. and i officially love you, so write more.

    8. you’re just a big ball of inspiration aren’t you? lol. this is goiong to be a funny story. knowing paula didn’t know how honest christine was being when she said Ashley had a lot of girlfriends was killing me. *snickers* Spencer not so confused i see and girlscout pun. *tears up* priceless.

    9. THIS STORY IS A RIOT!! It gave me such a great feeling after studying for hours! I love every single one of your stories… they are all so different but they are all so good! I love your pace. Oh and I know you are going to make it interesting with the Christine-Paula storyline… GREAT!! Plus I know you have a soft spot in your heart for Christine, me too I think :) Please keep doing or eating whatever has been inspiring you to write and update posts so fast… I know we love it! Thanks, and much love to you…

    10. Damn, another fic already? You are on a roll, girl. I am already loving this fic, it seems that things are going to get very interesting. This dinner should be something. And once again, I love that Ash and her mom have a positive relationship. Update soon.

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