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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 2)

    Spencer scanned the brunette up and down. Damn…she is cute. She knew that she was in trouble right way.


    “Hi, Ashley. Nice to meet you. Wow! You are just as gorgeous as your mother,” she said looking back at Christine who now had a tint of redness from her blushing.


    Paula grinned shaking Ashley’s hand. Ashley somehow was able to produce an awkward smile. She didn‘t really enjoy being compared to her mother, especially in the looks department.


    “Well, Christine, this my daughter Spencer,” Paula said turning Spencer who hadn’t left her seat.


    “Oh my god! Paula she looks just like you!” Christine exclaimed.


    Spencer smiled and waved casually, not really enjoying the comparison much herself. Ashley tried not to notice how beautiful Spencer was. Hmmm…she had to mess this up and be too cute. What was she thinking? Her mom did say that this girl was a cheerleader and what a cute name she thought. Ashley stopped her thoughts knowing that her mind and body specialized in the ‘straight’ girl at times. Spencer looked so innocent. Ashley guessed that she probably had never even met a lesbian.


    “Let’s sit down and catch up,” Christine suggested.  Although the booth looked rather large in the beginning, after sitting down, Ashley found herself hip to hip with Spencer. The feeling of the younger blonde next to her made her feel a little uneasy, a little too uneasy.


    Paula and Christine went on in chatter about their old college days and the fun they used to have together, even whispering at times. The chatter translated to many ‘blah blah blahs” for Ashley who was playing with her food.


    Sitting so closely, Spencer noticed every little shift that Ashley made. She could tell that either she was uncomfortable or nervous.  At one point, Ashley used her thigh as leverage to get more space. Spencer gasped with a slight intake of air.


    “Oh sorry,” Ashley explained.  Hmmm…soft…Stop it Ashley! Stop it! Best behavior. Best behavior.


    Spencer could not ignore the fact that Ashley’s hands were warm and soft. The feeling of her hand seemed to never leave her thigh. She desperately tried to change the subject in her mind. Spencer stared at Ashley‘s plate, “So are you going to eat that or just look at it all night?”


    1. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    2. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    3. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    4. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    5. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

    6. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

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