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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 2)

    Hmmm. A little sassy one. “No, what do you care?”


    “I don’t care really. You just haven’t said much since we got here so I thought I’d break the silence,” Spencer snapped back.


    Ashley kept her head down towards her food as she talked with Spencer. Her eyes randomly caught glimpses her thighs and sometimes purposely. She couldn’t help but notice how smooth they looked from this angle.


    “Hey, up here,” Spencer taunted. What was she looking at?


    “Umm…yeah…what were we talking about?”


    Spencer tilted her head, “That’s just it…we weren’t.”


    Ashley looked up at her. She could not avoid the piercing stare Spencer was giving her. They lingered in silence for a moment. “I’m sorry, Spencer. I’ve been just kind of thrown into this today.” Note to self avoid eye contact as much as possible.


    “You know, you don’t have to do this. I can learn my way around L.A. on my own. I told my mom that I wasn’t looking for a baby sitter.” Spencer glanced at the brunette’s lips from the side. How kissable they looked to her? She stopped her thoughts quickly reminding herself that this beautiful girl was straight.

    “Look.. Umm…. I don’t have a problem with showing you around L.A. I just don’t always like to do what my mother says, you know.”


    “Who does? I know that I don’t,” Spencer smiled as she finally got a chuckle out of the brunette. “Ahh…so she does laugh and smile every once and a while.”


    Smiling at Spencer, “So, did you have a boyfriend in Ohio?” Ashley asked.


    Both Spencer and Ashley sighed. Spencer because she knew that this question was going to come up and Ashley because she knew what her answer was going to be.


    “Umm … actually no….”


    “Do you?”


    Before she could answer, she was thankfully interrupted by Christine and Paula staring at the two of them. “Don’t they look cute together, Christine,” Paula fussed.


    Christine responded staring at Ashley trying to read her, “Well, they definitely are cute as friends.” Paula missed the emphasis, yet, both Ashley and Spencer caught it. Spencer wondered if Ashley’s mom could tell. I’ve got to stop staring at her eyes.


    1. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    2. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    3. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    4. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    5. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

    6. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

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