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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 2)


    “Okay, I’m following your lead tonight,” Spencer teased.




    “Christine, I have had way too much wine,” Paula said giggling and leaning back on the couch.


    Christine having had her full as well joked, “Oh…oh…you remember the time when we got so drunk that we —


    Paula interrupted laughing hard holding her stomach, “We stripped down naked and ran to the lake and —” Suddenly Paula turned to look at her old college buddy and was instantly quiet as her memory came back.


    Christine looked into her blue eyes, “—and we did this”. Christine leaned in and kissed Paula.


    Paula pulled back, “We…we… said…we’d never do this again…we —”


    “I know”, Christine said as she pressed her lips into Paula’s. Paula let the kiss deepen reminiscing in her old feelings for Christine. The kiss became heated and urgent. Both women reveled in the rejuvenated sensations they felt as they pulled their bodies closer to each other. Paula broke the kiss still breathing heavily.


    “Christine. We have to stop. I am a changed woman now. I have a family and a husband. I told you that this was over!” Paula stood up and started to look for her purse, “I need to go home.”


    “Paula, please let’s talk about this,” Christine pleaded.


    “What is there to talk about! I thought that we decided to be best friends a long time ago. I had missed talking to you and you just had to go and ruin it again!” Paula yelled with tears flowing.


    Christine grabbed her and wrapped her in her arms. Paula pushed her away.




    Ashley and Spencer were in the driveway. Ashley parked her mom’s car next to Paula’s. They had made mostly small talk about school and other places to go in L.A. during their ride.  Both girls found that they actually had a lot more in common than they thought.

    “Hey, you forgot to call your mom before you came home,” Spencer reminded her.


    “Yeah. Oh well. It’s no biggie. I never call her anyway.  I don’t know what she was talking about.”


    Spencer marveled at the size of Ashley’s home. It was certainly bigger than any that she had ever seen. Standing at the door, Ashley fumbled to find her keys. “Hey, Spence, do you hear yelling?“ Spencer blushed at her newly found nickname. Both looked at each other as they could hear faint yelling inside. Finally, finding her keys, Ashley open the door.


    “I don’t see why you can’t understand this, Paula. It’s what we were and it’s still what we are! It‘s what we‘ve always been!”


    Christine and Paula both stood still shocked when they realized that Ashley and Spencer were standing in the living room with them.


    “Mom, are you alright? What’s going on?” Spencer asked looking concerned.


    Unsure of what they had heard, Paula wiped her tears from her face desperately trying to recover, “Nothing, Spencer. Christine just brought up and old boyfriend. It was the whole reason that we lost a little touch in the first place. Just a lot of hard memories.”


    Christine added trying to clear up the situation, “Yes, like I was saying. It’s like what we’ve always been….arguing over that stupid guy…”


    “Well, maybe we’ve had too much wine, Christine. It seems to bring out the good and the bad memories between us.”


    “Yeah, next time, we should be more careful, right?’


    Paula looked at Christine not really wanting to hurt her, “Yeah, next time…you ready Spencer…let’s go”





    1. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    2. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    3. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    4. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    5. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

    6. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

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