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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 3)

    “So guess what…now that means it’s in your genes.” Ashley laughed at her own joke. “Pretty soon you will be calling me. Wait no…begging me to take you out.”


    “If you only knew…”, Spencer said in a faint whisper. Realizing that she may have said that too loud, she quickly changed the subject, “Hey, so what’s your next class?”




    “Mine too,” nervously brushing her blonde strands behind her ear. “Look at that another thing in common,” she smiled.



    “It’s nice to know that you’re keeping track”, Ashley winked at Spencer feeling herself return.


    Both girls headed to class. Ashley watched Spencer walk in front of her. The sway of her hips was causing her stomach to do tiny little flips with each step. She seemed almost to be walking on air. Every other step or so, Spencer would look back feeling the brunette’s eyes on her. There was something about it she liked.

    The class was uncomfortably packed for some reason with only a few seats remaining. Ashley sighed in disappointment when she had to sit three rows behind her. She actually was getting along with Spencer. This was not like her. She was a destroy and conquer kind of girl, straight with no chaser.

    After finally getting comfortable, Spencer felt her phone vibrate. She wondered who could be texting her from Ohio since she hadn’t been in L.A. that long. She flipped open her phone. The text was from Ashley. They had exchange numbers last night.


    “So if I only knew what?’


    Spencer’s heart raced. She had heard her. She turned to the back the class to look at the brunette who was smiling back at her. She quickly whipped back around. God, why does she have to be so sexy. Spencer jumped out of her thoughts when her phone vibrated again.


    “You’re cute when you are surprised”


    Spencer chuckled inside at the fact that Ashley was coming on to her. Her aggressiveness was such a turn on. She had to admit to herself that she was attracted to Ashley from the first moment that she saw her. Yet, she wasn’t ready to get involved again. Her last girlfriend had been enough drama for her. Spencer raised her hand. “Restroom?” The teacher handed her a pass with no questions. It felt good to be the newbie. Walking towards the restroom, her phone vibrated again. It was Ashley, again.

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    1. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    2. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    3. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

    4. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

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