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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 3)


    “So you are just going to leave me like that. I thought you loved me.”


    Spencer couldn’t help but smile at Ashley’s teasing. Her technique was so much better than hers. She could tell Ashley was used to getting her way.


    Ring… Ring.


    Wow she never gives up. Spencer answered the phone call quickly laughing into it, “Ashley, you are crazy!”


    “Ashley? Who’s Ashley? I can’t believe you’ve already started dating again,” the voice cried.


    “Ummm…. Tracy?” Spencer questioned in shock.




    Ashley fidgeted with her phone. Hmmm…if I only knew she said. Was Spencer gay too? Why would she not just tell me? A small wave of sadness passed through Ashley and she knew that she was in trouble. She was into her.


    “Yes, Ashley, what is it!”, the teacher said annoyed with stopping.


    “Restroom, please?”


    “Okay that’s it. You are the last person to go until Spencer comes back”, the teacher told Ashley and the class.

    Ashley had made up her mind during her walk. She was determined to find out the truth. Was Spencer gay or not? She reached the door and heard Spencer…yelling. She cracked the girls bathroom door open slightly to hear a little better.


    Spencer yelled, “Tracy, I told you it’s over. Stop calling me!”


    “But Spencer, we spent a whole year together. You can’t think that you moving to L.A. means the end of us?” Tracy cried.


    “We broke up, Tracy, long before I moved out here.”


    “This is about your mother isn’t it. You are so afraid of her finding out about us,” Tracy pleaded.


    “No, you know I’m not out to my mother for other reasons, not because of you. I just fell out of love with you, okay. There was just something missing. Look I’ve got to go.”


    “Spencer…” Tracy whispered.


    “Bye Tracy”, Spencer said hanging up the phone.


    Ashley watched her lean against the wall like she was exhausted closing her eyes. She was even gorgeous in her frustration. Ashley walked in, “So who’s Tracy?”


    Spencer jumped, “How long have you been standing there?”


    “Long enough”


    “Look, Ashley, I was going to tell you. Just in my own time.”

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    1. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    2. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    3. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

    4. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

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