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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 3)


    “Tell me what?” Ashley stepped closer to her. She put both of her hands against the wall caging Spencer in. Spencer, still surprised at being caught, felt her body behind to change. The butterflies settled in as her attraction to Ashley grew right in front of her.


    “I…I….”, Spencer tried to get it out, but Ashley had stepped a little closer. Mmm…she smells so good.

    It was difficult with Ashley’s eyes melting into her, but she tried to speak again, “I am just not out yet …okay….please don‘t be mad… I just wanted to get to know you a little better first.”


    “Well, you could have told me. I can keep secrets you know. Like I have a secret right now that I know that you would love to know.”


    Still caged in by the brunette, Spencer felt her breathing begin to change as her heart picked up its pace. God, what is she doing to me? She had admitted to herself that she was attracted to Ashley, but not this much. She whispered, “What secret?” Her voice gave away evidence of her attraction.


    Ashley took her whispering as a cue to step closer and whisper herself. She leaned towards Spencer ear. Spencer was shocked at the shivers running through her spine. She couldn’t believe the effect this girl was having on her this soon. Ashley let her lips lightly touch Spencer’s ear as she spoke feeling her own self grow weak as she teased. “You’re mom loved brunette’s too,” she whispered.


    Spencer’s eyes widened as she pushed Ashley back. “Ugh! You are too much!”, she said realizing that she had let herself fall into Ashley’s prank.


    Ashley was laughing, “Oh…come on…that was funny…”


    “No it wasn’t Ashley,” Spencer said beginning to laugh herself.


    “Look, Spence, I’m not mad at you. I know what it’s like to come out. But really…you’ve got to learn to trust me if we are going to be together…I mean hanging out so much”


    Spencer smiled at her slip, “Okay, I’m sorry…” . Pouting and tilting her head, “Forgive?”


    Ashley reached up and cupped the blonde’s face, “Who couldn’t forgive this?” She smiled and walked out of the bathroom.


    Spencer stood still…still feeling Ashley’s hands on her face. I am so into her.


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    1. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    2. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    3. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

    4. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

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