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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 9)

    Spencer fell asleep after her many attempts to contact Ashley to no avail.   What could be wrong?  She had sent text message after text message.  Ashley must have had at least a million missed calls and a million voicemails on her cell phone.   Regardless of how many calls she made, there was no word from Ashley.  At about call number 5 to her, Spencer had begun to worry.  Near call 15, it dawned onto her that perhaps somehow she had found out about Chelsea.  Spencer had made up her mind that she was letting that go, but maybe it was too late.  She cringed at the thought.  She had been frantic to say the least.   She fell asleep waiting.




    Ashley somehow made it home with the help of Aiden.  The rest of her night was spent ignoring Spencer, crying, and getting angry.  How could she be so stupid to give her heart to someone?  It was the same age old thing that she so desperately tried to avoid. It was what had sparked her love ‘em and love ‘em attitude the first place.


    She waved bye to Aiden at her door.  The house was dark.  Her mother must have been out again she thought.  She really wanted to talk to her figuring that they could now bond about more things.  Shutting the door, she leaned against it and screamed, “Fuck Spencer!  You said you wanted to be with me! Why!”

    She was startled by a heading popping up from the couch.

    “Ashley! Oh my god!” Christine shouted.

    Ashley peered in the dark to see her mom.  She could barely make out her face with her eyes full of tears.

    “Mom! She cheated on me! She cheated on me!”

    Christine was taken aback a little by her daughter’s laments.  She had never seen this side of her, so vulnerable.  Ashley was usually always in charge of herself.  They had been closer than they ever were before as mother and daughter. She wanted to reach out to her as she saw Ashley moving towards her, but she couldn’t.

    “Ashley!  Wait stay right there!”


    Slowly another head popped up from the couch.  It was Paula.   Ashley had apparently walked in on them “making up”.

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    1. spencer you’re a dumb and selfish girl. god damn. i should kick your ass right now for being so idiotic. ughhh! she better have to fucking walk through hell for ashley in order to get her back cuz after all the shit she pulled she should have to.

    2. spencer you’re a dumb and selfish girl. god damn. i should kick your ass right now for being so idiotic. ughhh! she better have to fucking walk through hell for ashley in order to get her back cuz after all the shit she pulled she should have to.

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