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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Everything falls into place [Chapter 3])

    I love that, being needed by someone especially her. She now was getting angry with all the teasing, too much for her and well starting to get a little too much for me, but she wasn’t mad at me, actually yes, yes she was. She was so angry I wasn’t in her yet but she shouldn’t worry she knows I need her too. I don’t even care if I get the pleasure I want, it doesn’t matter as long as I know she get pleasure from me and me only. I could see it in her eyes, anger, so much, I loved the connection we had just by looking into each others eyes. When we made love we even had a stronger connection, we knew exactly what the other wanted, harder or softer, faster or slower, and especially when to go in and out. And of course I was the one that mostly ignored these signals. Key word ignored, I knew what she wanted, but why not tease her a bit. She never did much of the teasing, but she knew the reason. She might’ve ignored signals once or twice just for fun, but me, no, it became an obsession watching her squirm under my teasing touch.

    I needed her to be naughty tonight, very, very naughty, and rough of course, especially rough tonight. I started heading down placing kisses on every inch of skin I crossed on my path downward. I was at her belly button still heading down, I could hear her moan just with the thought that I was going down but no, couldn’t let her have it that easy. I jumped the whole area where she wanted me to be, I just skipped it and I continued at her inner thigh. Placing kisses there close to her wet area but not close enough for her to completely go off. I started biting her inner thighs then around her clit, knowing she was going crazy. And then I found out she had enough, she took a hold of my hair and pulled into her sex. I obliged and just gave her the pleasure she desired.

    I decided to get some help, so I got two friends that I used to use when I just used to imagine being with this girl. In and out, I just kept thrusting, I loved how she screamed my name. I knew I could come just by hearing her make those noises and scream my name. But no, I have to hold it in, because I know what she has planned on doing to me is going to be a hundred times better. She screamed faster with all the energy she had. I agreed and went as fast as I possibly could. I moved my body up hers when I knew she was about to climax. I caught her into a lip lock. I told her to open her eyes and she of course did. Still kissing her, fingers inside her, my other hand caressing her breast, and eyes open, she came and she screamed my name in my mouth. It felt so good knowing that I had caused that.

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    1. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

    2. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

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