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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Everything falls into place [Chapter 3])

    I was so tired all the teasing, my body just went limp, lost feeling in some muscles so I just laid on top of her with my hand still on her breast. Just tugging on her nipple, god I loved those nipples they were just perfect. God I seriously have a bad obsession with this girls body she is just so perfect I kind of hate myself for using this body. Not using her like I don’t love her but using her in the sense that her body should never be touched, like one of those stupid toy collectibles that are never opened so they stay in mint condition because they are just that awesome.

    Yep, if there was another way to show my love, I would do it, but they say the physical is the last form of showing love right? But I think I can do one better, but I decide that I will act upon that later so I move off of my love to wait my turn. I felt her weight move off of the bed. Then she walked towards the bathroom. I stayed laying there watching her as she closed the door and heard the click as she locked it.

    “Ow” oh shit I hurt her, “What happened baby?” I ask. “You hurt me,” she replies, like I couldn’t have figured that one out by myself. I look at her perfect body up and down to see where I have caused this angel any pain. I look at where I have recently given attention too and see a big red spot on her neck. I laugh at what I had done. So caught up in my daydream I gave the love of my life a hickey.

    That’s what love does to you my friend, it causes you to act completely different but in the best way possible. I kiss her where I had recently left the hickey and I look into her eyes and plant a soft kiss on her lips. I ask her if she wanted to go out tonight. She just nodded her head and I had to tell her, “I have a huge surprise for you.” Crap, me and my big mouth, she asked me what it was and I now had to go through the day putting up with her and her stupid questions. I chuckle to myself and correct myself, there isn’t one thing stupid about her.

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    1. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

    2. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

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