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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Everything falls into place [Chapter 3])

    I lay there on the bed hoping she will come out soon but no, nothing. I start to think to myself maybe I teased too much tonight. I wait fro a couple more minutes but nothing. I decide to finish myself off at home. I still have her voice in my head, screaming my name, I’m getting wet just thinking about it. I get up and start to put on my thong that was removed earlier. I start searching for my bra and pick up hers instead. I realized her boobs are somewhat bigger than mine. But just by a little bit. I decide to just not wear a bra, I laugh at myself, damn I’m funny.

    I am putting on my shirt, and having trouble by the way. Then I hear a door open and close, I’m assuming it’s my baby, and with my hand up in the air and the shirt covering my face I decide I should apologize anyway. I just say out loud, “I’m sorry baby” Then next thing I know I’m being thrown on the bed, face down and they pull of the shirt I was having trouble putting on and they gram both my hands and put them behind my back and then I hear ‘click’.

    I’m walking her to her house now, hand in hand, and she won’t stop asking me what the surprise is, but I know she’ll love it, just like she loves me. I grin at my own thought. I’ve been avoiding these questions with the daydream that has been in my head all day. I decide to finish it because when I think about me and her I just can’t stop halfway it’s all the way or nothing at all.

    I roll around to see who has done this to me and see that is her. My love, who has just handcuffed me, what the hell. She looks at me with want in her eyes and asks me if I still want it rough. I nod no because now I think she’s gone crazy. She had her bathrobe on so she decided to untie it and takes it off. And then I see what she had underneath. ‘A strap n’ and a big one at that.

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    1. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

    2. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

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