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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Everything falls into place [Chapter 3])

    She takes me and puts me face down again on the bed, and not that I can really do anything, hello hands cuffed behind my back. I know she’s not in the teasing mood so I’m prepared for her to get straight to the point. But she warms me up, she starts licking me and just sticks one finger in my sex. And I moan out her name, she says, “I want to hear you scream my name” She then takes out her finger and then I can feel it.

    The thing being inserted my wetness, it’s so big so she starts out slowly but begins to pick up the pace. There, is she happy now, I’m screaming her name with everything I have in me, Oh my god, I can’t take it, I scream her name harder than I ever have, louder than I ever knew possible.

    She then takes it out, and uncuffs me, and she knows I haven’t gone over the edge yet, so she just lies on the bed next to me and tells me to get on. It was most definitely not a question, it was a command like do it or you’ll be sorry. So I agree and I hop on. It hurts all the way in, but I love it, it feels so good and my love is right there with me, I’m doing the cowgirl as guys know this as, like with my ex. But with her it’s so much better.

    I know have my hands free so I caress her boob as I’m riding her and she does the same. She moves her hands from my boobs to my ass. She’s just slapping it and it hurts, and I love how much it hurts. I wanted it rough, but this was beyond even my imagination. She keeps going and I can hear my ass just hit the bottom of the ‘strap on’ and my baby just squeezing my ass as I’m on the edge, I just haven’t jumped off yet, she knew it so she decides to push me off. She tells me to turn around and I do so my ass is in her face so she squeezes on it and decides to move me the way she wants me too.

    I need to finish off now, I get on my feet and decide to go up and down myself. Then it happened, I climax, I scream her name louder even then a few minutes ago when I thought it was the loudest I could scream. I just fell backwards on top of my love. I heard her say, “Baby, I feel so safe with you, I never want this to end” Then she dozed off, I could tell and I said, “Me too baby, me too.” I know she didn’t hear me but she knew i felt the same way.

    That’s when I started to think how I could show her I love her without physical touch. And that’s when it hit me, I had to get to the jewelry store, but not now in a couple of weeks or so, until we are both awake and not tired after hot sex and tell each other how we truly feel.

    It’s been about a month since that night. I am walking in downtown L.A, after dropping my bubble butt girlfriend to her house and telling her I love her once again, going to this little place a know that sells jewelry because tonight is the night I’m going to ask her. I think to myself where should I take her, what should I do. I then say to myself no need to worry. When you’re in love everything seems to fall into place.

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    1. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

    2. Wow…….ummmmmm…yeah I really need the shower now *screams for brother to get out* that was hot and yet painful all at once just WOW nice’ve rendered me speechless.

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