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    Take a guesse – (Chapter: Pop goes the question [Chapter 5])

    She asks me once again to open my eyes and I open them of course and orgasm once again, god in record time this time. I start breathing real hard, I mean you try and have two orgasms in a row and not be tired. Ashley gives my body a once over. She looks like she is studying every bit of my body as if she wasn’t going to see it again. I mean we are going to be together forever, right? She isn’t going to do what I hope she isn’t going to do.

    I see her look around the room searching for something, she spots her clothes and walks over to it, no Ashley please don’t do this. I see her bend down and take her jean jacket and I pounce on her as she turns around.

    “Please don’t leave babe” I beg her giving her my best puppy dog face.

    “I wasn’t going anywhere baby” She simply responds, in that case. I look into her eyes and immediately insert two fingers into her core and I whisper into her ear.

    “I want to hear you scream my name” She giggles a bit before it turns into a moan as I bite her ear lobe a bit feeling Ashley under me. I thrust in and out hearing her breathing increase rapidly.

    “Ahhh…” She says before I crash my lips into hers, and I can tell she is moaning my name in my mouth, god its just such a turn on.

    “Fuck me baby, please finish me off.” I hear Ashley say so I of course do what she says and pick up the pace. Ashley starts touching my body and then her own, trying to control herself and the next thing I know there is a knock on the door. I see Ashley quickly cover her mouth with her hands so she doesn’t make another noise, and I know its hard with my fingers inside of her.

    “Honey are you okay.” Fuck, it’s my mom

    “Why is the door locked?” She asks and I look at Ashley hoping she has an answer for this.

    “Me and my girlfriend got into a fight” I quickly yell

    “Can you please give me some privacy” I say quickly and see Ashley smile at me. We hear the footsteps get farther and farther away and then I take the chance to get another finger in there and finish it off. She moans real loudly making me wet once more but I know she doesn’t have the energy for one more go around. I move up her body and we lay there as she grabs one of the covers that fell on the floor and she covers both our bodies.

    I close my eyes for a minute just admiring the moment and the smells and the feel of Ashley’s body when she tells me to open my eyes and I see a little black box.

    “Umm Baby” She stutters a bit before continuing.

    “I know we’re still young and everything, but I know what I want and what I need, or better yet I know what I’m going to want and what I’m going to need forever. And surprisingly everything I’m going to want and need comes in a very cute and sexy package. I’m not saying it has to be soon but I want to know that eventually we will just seal the deal but for now I want you to wear this knowing that you are mine and eventually legally you would. Would you make me the happiest teenager in the world and become Mrs. Davies?”

    “Would you become Mrs. Spencer Davies?”

    I gasp at the size of the ring, its even engraved on the side, I don’t know what to say, I mean, we just said we loved each other this morning and well, I just have no clue what to say. I mean I know I want to be with her for the rest of my life, I want to wake up to her everyday, I want to raise children with her, I know I love her and I know although we aren’t exactly going to get married right away, this should definitely tie the not, for someday in the near future we would have already been engaged so everyone knows this is serious.

    “I would love to become Mrs. Spencer Davies”

    “I love you so much Ashley, so much”

    “I love you more Spencer Carlin, I love you so much more”















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