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    Tell Me Where We Go From Here… – (Chapter: Dial-Tone Lullabies)



    Spencer had ‘relieved’ her girlfriend, and they had fallen asleep together soon after at the Davies mansion.

    ‘Get wasted on love, get wasted on life, get wasted on anything that’s right. Get wasted, get wasted, get wasted, get wasted with me.’  Spencer dreaded answering her cellphone, but she rose from her slumber and mumbled a greeting.

    "Spencer Carlin! Why aren’t you home? Your father and I had an important decision that we wanted to address with you and your brothers. Get. Home. Now." Her mother hung up the phone before she could object. She trudged back to the bed, shaking her quietly snoring girlfriend.

    She mumbled something incoherent and tossed over, pulling the bed spread closer into her face.

    "Babe. Get up, I have to go." She got more mumbling. "Ash! Up, NOW!" The girl shot open one eye, the other still closed to block out the sunlight behind her girl.

    "Whuh!? Why do you have to go…?" Ashley’s sentences were becoming more understandable.

    "I dont know, my mom just called and said she had something to ‘discuss with the family.’"

    "Mmk, i love you, bye baby!" The brunette closed her eyes again, snuggling into the comforter.

    "Oh no you dont! You’re my ride home!" And she pulled the groggy girl from the bed, forcing her to dress and drive.


    They arrived at the Carlin residence, and parted after a quick stolen kiss and a hug.

    "Call me with whatever was so important, kay?" Ashley waved and the blonde nodded, walking towards her doorstep.

    She glanced back, smiled, and pushed open the door, dissapearing.



    Spencer sat down silently next to her siblings, while her father and mother sat perfect-postured across from the kids on the couch.

    "…So why are we here, ‘rents?" Glen broke the uncomfortable silence.

    "Well kids, uhm… There really is no easy way to put it, but as you know, your mother and I,"Spencer could see the dissapointment seeping from her fathers words. "We… We just have grown apart. And we’re not staying together, as you also know. So your mother has decided it would be best if her and you guys moved back to Ohio with her." Her mother nodded, and Spencer, along with Glen and Clay, sat gaping.

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